
If you were Obama, how would you handle the Hamas endorsement of your party?

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In a recent interview with World Net Daily and with the John Batchelor Show on WABC Radio in New York, Ahmed Yousuf, Hamas' top political adviser in the Gaza Strip, said "We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections..."

Place yourself into Obama's shoes for this one.

You've got an endorsement that the media has grabbed and run with. Liberal, conservative, and most every world paper has chimed in on this one, and frankly it's not good. The whole thing could blow up in your face quickly if you don't do something right away. Knowing this, as well as how troublesome this group's endorsement of you could potentially be, what do you do? Do you issue a statement on your views? Do you sit back and do nothing, hoping it will blow over? Do you thank them for the endorsement? What do you do? The ball's in your court, let's see how you handle it.




  1. id say thank you for your support, BUT it is not in the best interest to accept your endorsement at this time and again say thank you.

  2. My Response to people would be  " Wait and See"

  3. I'd ignore it, never mention it, and if pressed say that you consider Hamas a terrorist group which needs to change their ways if there is to be lasting peace in the Middle East.

  4. I would ignore it.  Speaking on it only gives the story life.

  5. Ask for a donation of money. And thank them for the endorsement.

  6. If political candidates had to devote time to who did or didn't like them, they would have time to campaign.

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