
If you were Valerie E. Wilson – A.K.A Valerie Plame - how would you vote in November?

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Obviously you are not Valerie, but If you could see life through her eyes, how would you vote, or would you?

(Yes... this is a question as well as a political one)




  1. If I were Valerie, I would vote for Obama because I obviously need some help managing my delusions of self importance and if there were 'universal' health care, I could get it for free and my job would still have to pay me while I was at the camp getting in touch with my feelings.

  2. It sure as h**l wouldn't be McCain.

  3. I'd vote a straight Democrat ticket on everything from God to Chief Sewer Inspector.

  4. I would vote for Obama, because voting for McCain means voting for the same gang that placed me in danger for their own political agendas

  5. The Wilsons have said they are now Democrats.


  7. The only undercover work she ever really did was under the covers with her effeminate husband Joe Wilson.

  8. As a CIA operative who used her access to confidential information to discredit a policy and politician she disagreed with it is obvious she should vote for Richard M. Nixon.

    Clearly she shares his "end-justifies-the-means" philosophy of government.

  9. I'd vote for a new husband who has a job.

  10. If I were Valerie Plame, I'd probably know enough about how the system works to know that regardless of how I voted, the winner has already been chosen.  

    If someone who would protect my rights were to win, it would only be so that he could take the blame for the economy as the monopoly game comes to its end and all the property is in the same hands.  

    Corporate media spin will remain the same no matter how Valerie or anyone else votes.  

    The same old buzz words will be used and echoed by dittoheads to denigrate anyone who tries to stand up for freedom and change things. Tree hugger. Politically correct.  Affirmative action. Surrender Monkeys.  Blame America First.  Bleeding heart liberal. Card carrying member of the ACLU.  Whiner."

    Whatever happened to our old enemies, the commies?  Oh, yeah.  They are lending us money for oil wars and hosting the Olympics.  

  11. hmmm...being so self important, I would probably write-in for Valerie Plame....or maybe I would write in my husband, since getting him a decent job is a priority in my life.

  12. It would not be for anyone in the party that stood up for the treason committed by Bush and Cheney

    to the question

    Get your facts straight, her HUSBAND wrote an article that discredited Bush and his gang of liars that got us into the war

  13. I valeri plame the spy promise to be mad forever because I can't be a spy hoo...guess I will vote for anyone who likes spy's or anyone who will listen for an eternity because I am one pissed off ex spy...forget all the people I ruined by spying on them...this is about me the spy valerie...I spy in my eye a log blocking the sky...wish I could sneak around spying again...hey... you want a spy with that ham on rye?

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