
If you were a D-1 scout, would you be willing to give a vball player a full/partial scholarship..?

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if they are 5'8, 4.0 GPA, and can jump as high as a girl who is 6'0. Or should i stop dreaming about that happening?




  1. First of all, D-3 schools aren't allowed to give scholarships based on athletics what so ever.

    D-2 and D-1 schools are, however are sometimes very scarce to do so.  When taking a tour of a college, ask your tour guide questions like do you offer athletic scholarships? How often do people come in and get athletic scholarships? Ask to meet with the volleyball coach and discuss this with them, it never hurts to ask!

    I work in the admissions office at my college and admissions counselors LOVE to hear people ask about scholarships.


  2. If you've got a 4.0 you should be looking for a academic scholarship. Speak with the coaches to find a team that would work with you and not rule you out simply because of your height, and they will love the fact that they have a player on their team who they don't need to use a volleyball scholarship on due to their excellent academics. A coach can help you get an academic scholarship.

    Make sure you pay attention to the school more than just their vball team too, because you are going to spend 4 years there and you'll want the most positive experience possible. Don't be afraid of D2 or D3 schools either, if you like their program you might end up being a bigger contributer.

  3. There are over 300 D1 schools out there.  You may not be able to get the top 20 to look at you since many of them have front rows that are 6 foot and taller.  Several years ago, Stanford had a team that was entirely over 6 foot.  Even the Libero was over 6 foot.  

    Do not give up on playing D1.

    As stated above, there are other choices also.  And as stated above, D3 can not give athletic scholarships.  With your grades, you should be able to get an academic scholarship.  No one above mentioned the junior colleges.  If you do not get into the D1 school you want, you can play at the junior college level for 2 years and show your ability there and see if you can get recruited at the D1 school you want.

  4. Scouts are really looking for taller girls.  If you can dig the ball and play defense then maybe a D-1 scout will offer you something.  I play D-3 volleyball and got a partial scholarship.  If you play Junior Olympics that will give you a better chance of getting a scholarship.  You should try for a D-2 or 3.

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