
If you were a Gummy Bear what NFL team would you want to play for

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If you were a Gummy Bear what NFL team would you want to play for




  1. ahh the bears they dnt eat bears durrrrrrrrrrr

  2. The Dolphins or the Falcons, that way I'd have a chance at making the starting lineup.

  3. Da Bears

  4. i am a bears fan.So i know how soft they are offensivly right now so this is a good fix.

  5. The Bears of course!

  6. chiefs or steelers

    they are good teams

    and i like biting gummy bears heads off


  7. Hmm I don't know??? I think I am retired, or maybe I'm not. I am confused. I can make how much money?  How many fans can I disappoint?  I can get bunches of free press time if I keep everyone on pins and needles. I think maybe I will play for the Bucs  that way I can stay warm and not have to play too often in the snow.

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