
If you were a banana what would you do?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering...




  1. I'd answer your question, of course.

  2. Look for a horny woman.

  3. I'd be appealing !

  4. Try not to get eaten or run into any monkeys.

    Or egt emplyed by the pap and hide in stars homes?

  5. what can do just we can see and banana does not feel and doesn;t know what is going on so if we were banana  we did not know what does banana mean

  6. I'd strip...

  7. "You might as well paint yourself yellow, run around like a maniac and call yourself Banana Man because that's what you're doin'!"

    -Master Shake

  8. lay in the sun, and hope i didnt peel.

  9. I wouldn't be a banana

  10. split

  11. Eat myself

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