
If you were a bird, would you fly or swim?

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If you were a bird, would you fly or swim?




  1. Fly

  2. fly.

    I don't know how to swim  

  3.!! Hellfire, I can swim now!!!

  4. fly, i'v always wanted wings, i'd use them!

  5. Swim  and eat fish

  6. I would soar until I was sore.

  7. well i would be a bird that could fly AND a seagull. becos it would be awesom to fly but i also love the beach and stuff. so i would be a bird that can do both lol  

  8. of course i'm going to fly!!!  

  9. Novella:

    I would fly of course.

    I could do both if I was a fishing or bottom feeding type of bird, But I would be much too grand, sophisticated and elegant for that - an eagle or a Bird of Paradise for example.

  10. Both.  I it had to be one or the other I think i would fly.  i can already swim!

  11. I'd be Jonathon Livingstone Seagull and soar the eights.

  12. definitely fly! I'd always love to. :)

  13. fly!

  14. Flyy!!! :)

  15. ehhh. If I was a bird, I guess I would fly around in circles, just kinda watching the OTHER birds, the ones that were all so silly and tried to SWIM...I'd watch them all drown. ^.^

  16. Fly!!!

  17. Is this a trick question?  If I were a flying fish, I could do both...or am I missing something altogether...?

  18. Fly!

    I can swim now if i wanted to. lol

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