
If you were a casting director what roles would you have me play?

by  |  earlier

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Like what age range i would play and what tv shows or movies i could be cast in. i'm an actress so i'm looking to see what i should submit myself for. thanks. click below for my photo.




  1. If you're with SAG then I shouldn't have to break it down to you.  You are beautiful but good looks won't get your PORTFOLIO on my desk...

    You go out there and submit yourself into what you feel will bring out the best of your acting.  Try this SAG assistance site for ideas, I'm sure it's,  And then there's one of my favorite sites to submit my work with,  Hack your precious heart out in every department.  Got an Agent or Casting Director on the line?

  2. i think you are beautiful and could do anything from the OC to high school aged roles.  good luck!  :)  good for you that you have your SAG card!  i'm jealous...

  3. I think you have a very wholesome look and would probably be good for Disney. Since you look younger that 18, it's in your best interest to look as young as possible. Roles on shows like the OC and other that have high schoolers very rarely have actual high school age actors - they're all 18 or over. So, don't try to compete with older actors for these roles (even though, technically, they're your age). You won't get them.

    Try for the 10-15 age range roles.

    This is for paid work however. If you're submitting for unpaid or non-union work, them you have a lot more flexibility and can submit for high school roles as well since you won't be restricted by labor laws.

  4. Likely none.  You look like all the other teenybopper wannabes. YOu don't know how to take a decent photo. You ae not an actress unless you are in a show, or just finished a show, or about to go into a show.

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