
If you were a caveman how would you explain natural phenomena?

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how would you explain things like the sun's rising and setting, earthquakes, floods, etc.?




  1. Uga booga ug.  Noeff de tra boogey doda.  Conga booga noda.

  2. I wouldn't... I'm a caveman.

  3. I'd blame it on the Great Spirit.  Then I'd sacrifice a virgin (by de-viginizing her!) to appease the Great Spirit.

  4. With religion.

  5. The same way we did for 10000 years before scientific questioning and exploration:

    Some sort of divine entity.

    Then spend a few years scouring the Earth for it so I can kill it and take its power.

  6. i would make up a goofball religion and start asking for money and make people drink the bad kool-aid

  7. This is where myths and early religions came from. Not being able to apply science, people will come up with the strangest things to explain the unknown. (still do) So the sun becomes a monster swimming the sky or a god in a flaming chariot. An earthquake becomes a great beast, (like the turtle of Indian myth) shuddering. There is a great wealth of myths out there from many different era's that may well have started with cavemen. The myths would have evolved as they were verbally passed on and embellished.

  8. I'd have to make up supernatural beings to explain them. My son, while serving in Afghanistan, tried to explain that the Earth was like a ball to some tribesmen, but they thought it was a joke.  An elder explained that if the Earth were round, they'd fall off.  All happenings were explained as "Allah's will." When one advances a opinion that counters the belief in everything being controlled by the supernatural, they are likely to be killed or thought very uninformed & stupid.

    Attributing everything to the supernatural is a good dodge that requires no explaining or proof & it helps one's status by being closer to the supernatural being.

  9. Not being very evolved, I'd probably conclude a magic man in the sky dunnit.

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