
If you were a cop, who would be the first person you would arrest?

by Guest33813  |  earlier

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If you were a cop, who would be the first person you would arrest?




  1. YOU!

  2. Bush and Cheney as well as domestic abusers.

  3. Uh, the first person I saw doing something illegal.  Most likely an illegal immigrant, since they are EVERYWHERE in my town

  4. Nancy Pelosi for domestic terrorism or something. She is costing me money. The vote might lower gas prices a little more.

  5. The first idiot I meet who thinks (s)he knows everything about being an officer, without taking responsibility a day in their life.

  6. I would probably arrest everyone in the police dept., for being crooks.

  7. I am a cop, and I never know who I am going to just happens.

  8. BUSH !!

  9. my ex-girlfriend, for being a cheating s***k.

  10. The cop next to me, more likely that he has committed a serious crime than anyone else I ever come into contact with.

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