
If you were a dentist, would you ever do pro bono work for the poor?

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It just costs so much these days, and you know those doctors could donate their time. Dental insurance these days is a joke anway. Just my honest opinion.




  1. Ssure! They do all the time. Most are contributors to events like KMOM (where hundreds of dental professionals give pro-bono work for free for a whole weekend, like here in KS its at the Nascar Speedway when no races are going on) or thru agencies like "Give back a Smile" for abused women. There are all sorts of things like that. The dental school even does a lot of Free work for under-priveledged.

    And I agree, it insurance is costing more and more and certainly doesn't cover what it used to. You pay more for less coverage. :(

  2. That would be fine, if Dentists and Doctors did not have to pay for their education and spend half a life time in school.

    There is no reason to have bad teeth.  Maintaining dental health can be relatively inexpensive. All it takes is good dental hygiene habits, a tube of tooth paste, a toothbrush, a roll of dental floss and a routine check up every 6 months.

    Laziness, neglect and poor dental hygiene are the cause of expensive dental visits.

  3. yes i would. i would feel soooo bad.

  4. I know my docs do it all the time and they're orthodontists. They do it for people who really and truely try hard to get ahead in life, but are just having a hard time. Not for those who want everything handed to them. Some people think that just because someone is a "doctor" they should give things away. People seem to forget how hard these men/women have had to work to get where they are now,  and how expensive all their schooling was. Many have very very large loans to repay for several years.

    So if they want to give away a case for braces, Good for them! If a DDS wants to do a free filling, then good for them, and so on. Most docs can be very generous.

    I know I work for a great group!

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