
If you were a prince or a princess!!!?

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What would you do?




  1. live on an island help people put to make somthing of themselves etc. do royalty things lol idk

  2. Erect a castle, with a golf course, a pool, a plasma tele, surrounded by a large moat, to keep out the papperazzis, and bring all my freinds and some of my family there to hang out.

  3. Have fun!!

  4. i would help the less fortunate

  5. spend lot of money supplied by stupid British tax payers.....

  6. buy everthin in the wurld

  7. OK if i was a princess i would get a personnel trainer to sort me out, stop me b***dy smoking,get full makeover omg I'm tried already just thinking about it.

    Better idea get myself a land rover a nice bit of land with a cottage and my own forest that's more my style i wouldn't be a greedy princess lol

  8. Find my prince, marry him and live happily ever after.

    or, even better...

    rescue my prince, a shy but cute guy, from a dragon and fall in love on the way to his kingdom. He'll then marry me and we'll live happily ever after!

    'Happily ever after': What a cliche!

  9. Go shopping of course!

  10. I'd be doing a lot of work for my country like Anne,Andrew,Victoria of Sweden,Frederic and Mary of Denmark,Felipe and Letizia of Span do. Being a prince and princess is not glamorous like you think.

    Here is a link so you can see what Anne,The Princess Royal does:

  11. Buy an Island and go live there with my prince.

  12. i would wear a dress like cinderella or belle - just for a day - but it would be fun.

  13. I would go to a night club and get totally rat arsed - isn't that part of the job description?

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