
If you were a radical leader in the Middle East, Who would you want as President of the USA?

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I would want Obama. I would thrive on his weak mind.




  1. No, I'd want someone whose teenage daughter got pregnant right under her nose and the senile old kodger who put her there.  You go Mr.Magoo!

  2. I would want John McCain and Sarah Palin. If something happens to John McCain, then I know Palin would be lost as h**l. She just got a passport recently and has no idea about foreign policy. You could tell her anything..

  3. Palin of course. She is already a Taliban.

  4. Obama....cause then he would share all the US secrets.

  5. John McCain...the more warmongering we have in our Oval Office, the more recruits they will have for Al Queida.  

  6. I believe Iran has been pretty satisfied with the GOP, as they have benefit more than anyone by our blundering... so I believe they would prefer the candidate that guaranteed 4 more years of the same... John McCain.

  7. I'd want McCain.  Constantly equating Islam to Terrorism would give me a 'reason' to keep doing what I'm doing.

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