
If you were a teenager what would you do. plz respond

by Guest10815  |  earlier

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i was at my friends sleepover and one of my friends said call this number (it spelt out a word but im not going to say) and its funny. so i did and a lady answered and we told her what her phone number spelt out. then we hung up. a week later i called her accidentily (my phone was in my pocket [a butt call]) and i was tlaking with my friend and we were making funny noises at each other. see called back and threatened me by saying she had already called the police and they were recording every thing i said. and she said if i called two more times she would bring me into court and have me put into jail. was she kidding and its not fair because i didn't even mean to the second time and i only did it the first time because my friends told me to.




  1. No you cannot be put in jail that easily.

    Someone has to file a harassment and stalking complaint with the police, but that is only the first step. They have to keep a journal and gather evidence for the local district attorney to take action.

    The district attorney is too busy to even go after people who write bad checks unless they do it a lot. They would not have time to even contact you for a prank phone call.

    The person you called has no sense of humor and not enough to do in order to have  hit the panic button over this.

    Ask God to forgive you and put this out of your mind. Thinking about things puts energy into them and might make something happen.

    Have no fear.

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