
If you were a wrestler where would you rather work mexico or japan and why???

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If you were a wrestler where would you rather work mexico or japan and why???




  1. It really depends on where you live before you were to go into wrestling for example it is much easier for british wrestlers to break into and stay at the top of the japanese promotions where as in mexico you have a greater chance of staying at a good stand point f you were born in america or canada. I would pick japan personally

  2. Japan. I like the Japanese style of wrestling and all that better.

  3. neither why can't you stay where you are...?

  4. I would rather work in Mexico, I could see my surviving there alot better than in Japan especially when it comes to the language difference and plus the women there would be a plus

  5. Japan. Mexico is just ewww.

  6. wwe and if they don't accept me then japan because theres more wrestling there and is highflyng and i like high flying matches

  7. Japan! Even though I'm mexican myself, I always preffred the japanese style! Plus Japan is a great country with so much to experience! I've already been to mexico....

  8. Japan because its better than Mexico. =]

  9. Mexico. Then I wouldn't have to be fat in order to be a wrestler.

  10. Japan.  Their economy is much better, so I'd probably be paid better.  Plus, Mexican wrestlers are well-trained in the Lucha Libre style, but wrestlers who start in Japan get a more well-balanced training.  Mexican wrestlers are typically considered legends within their own country, but Japanese wrestlers go on to be huge even outside of Japan.

  11. As a personal choice, I would rather work in Mexico..since I'm would be an easy transition. plus, it's not far from the US..

    From a wrestling perspective, I would pick Japan. The wrestlers there are more well rounded in wrestling. They know spots as well as the ring psychology that comes with a match. While Mexican wrestlers tend to pick up spots more than anything else, no insult to their obvious talent. It's just Mexican wrestlers pick up the rest of what wrestling consists of when they get experience elsewhere. In Japan you get everything there..your mat skills..etc...

  12. Japan.  While wrestling is big and respected in both countries, there is more of a legacy connected with Japanese wrestling

  13. Japan, it seems like more pro wrestlers go there then Mexico, and i would just want to do what would be best for my career.  

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