
If you were abandoned on an island as an infant and the Apes raised you, would you still be Christian?

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Yes, sounds like Tarzan, but my point is, would you still know about Jesus Christ? For argument's sake, you were 3-mos old and obviously could not speak or understand anything, and never encountered other humans. The animals on the island raised you. Your parents were both brilliant PHD's, and althought very few people that smart are Christian's, your parents were. Throughout history, human beings have worshiped everything they can't explain like rain, the sun and volcanos. Throughout history there have been many Gods. Polytheists believe in more than one God, like the Greek Gods, while Monotheists believe there is only one God, like Jesus Christ or Allah, and all other Gods are false. Why do people still believe Jesus is God while condemning all other Gods thinking people who believe in any other God are stupid and going to h**l? Isn't that proof enough that Jesus Christ is no different than Aphrodite, Zeus or the Volcano God? When are people going to wise up?




  1. You would believe whatever you were taught to believe. In this case the apes would not know about Jesus and would not be able to share his story with you. Hopefully some missionaries would reach your island and let you know what you've been missing out on all your life. Or maybe some Islamic rescuers would find you and teach you all about Allah and what you've been missing out on all your life. Maybe a Buddhist expedition would find you and teach you all about what you've been missing out on all your life (although I don't think Buddhists try to convert anyone).

    The point is that if you've been raised by apes you won't even have any language skills. You may have advanced logical thinking because your parents were doctors, but how do you express those ideas of yours? Would you even know what religieon is? The only people who would assume you are a Christian are the two Christians who abandoned you there in the first place, and their fellow Christians.

  2. No, I would be an Apeistian.

  3. No.  Look at Oxana Malaya.

    The only thing that separates man from the other animals is that man's ability to believe in whatever he chooses to motivate himself.   Animals do things out of natural instinct.

  4. I was raised by apes who were also religous jews。

  5. of you were abandonded as an infant.. no.  There would be no humans to teach you a religion or belief.  These are all learned things, not something we naturally know.

    As an adult, you can decide for yourself what you want to believe in..  but you wont know about a belief unless its taught first.

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