
If you were abducted by aliens...?

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Would you tell anyone and try to prove it or would you keep quiet about it so that you didn't sound ridiculous?




  1. I'd tell my best buds. They'd believe me.

  2. Tell the National Enquiarer, make some money (tons of money) and tell the FBI for fourtune and fame. =)

  3. I'd tell some close friends, but I wouldn't go public with it.

  4. yes. I would be called a freak and tell everyone. Whoever gets abducted by aliens after that would deserve it cuz they were warned.  

  5. Tell everybody        !!

  6. keep it to myself, I wouldn't want to share such a special experience with a skeptical world.

  7. tell everyone duhhh

  8. Id think long and hard about that one....but whilst I was on board I would want some answers; such as:

    "did you guys invade us already and then hide behind our banks, governments, and advertising industries?

  9. id go to the doctor,theres a blood test you can take,it examines electrolytes,and can determine if you been to space.

    astronauts have proved this.

    and if it showed the same results,i would go public,h**l id make a career out of it. regress,relate my experiences to forums and like minded people.

    to some weird claim to fame.

  10. My lover Miyuki and her friends Yuki and Kumiko are aliens. Do you suppose they are going to abduct me and maybe take me to their homes in Japan? The only aliens in this country are from other nations on our planet. There is no way ET's can come here. Einstein's theories show that quite well. If I imagined I was abducted by ET's, I would tell Bi-Chen who is a psychiatric nurse. A dose of trilafon makes pesky ET's disappear.

  11. i would tell them and if they didnt beleive me then at least i would know myself that they exist  

  12. I'd only tell may close friends, maybe some family members. I wouldn't go to the press though, they wouldn't believe me.  

  13. I don't think anyone would believe me!

  14. I would tell my family and they would believe me.  Then they would make sure to kick the Alien's butts when them came back for me.  They're awesome like that.

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