
If you were able to kick someone out of Raw's championship scramble who will it be?

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I replace Roidtisteroids with either Y2J or D'Lo Brown.




  1. I would replace Y2J with Chris Jericho, and Roidtisteroids with Batista

  2. There is nobody on the WWE's roster named "Roidtisteroids".

    And I agree with the above answers.  JBL is out of shape, over the hill, washed up, etc. etc. and doesn't deserve to be in the match.  Chris Jericho does.

  3. Y2J take out JBL

  4. I would take out JBL and put in a suprise return of Randy Orton

  5. JBL

  6. I would replace JBL with Chris Jericho.

  7. I would love to kick out that crappy MEATISTA with Y2J cause Y2J is the only one who derve this title than any other individual in this match and if he wins that than may be his rivalry with HBK will include something pricefull in this.  

  8. Y2J with JBL

  9. Batista. He's the only man (excluding CM Punk) in the match to have been World Heavyweight Champion. Personally I think it's time some new blood wears World Heavyweight Championship gold. If I could replace him with someone it would be Chris Jericho.

  10. JBL replaced by Y2J

  11. kane

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