
If you were about to be executed for a crime you didn't commit, what would be your last words?

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If you were about to be executed for a crime you didn't commit, what would be your last words?




  1. Poor creatures, wish it would never happen again.

  2. I'm sure it will never happen to me!

  3. "Now you'll never find out about all the other ones I did"! HAHAHA

  4. Kiss my A$$ mother f.u.c.k.e.r

  5. I'd be all lie "You know I'll just come back and haunt you"

    or "hahahaha once I'm dead, you'll never learn the true meaning of life"

  6. May God have mercy on your soul!!!!!!! for you know not what you do..

    ummm.. yup thats what I'll say

  7. "F*ck you all, don't bother sterilizing that needle."

  8. your mum will miss me

  9. I would go the Ethel Rosenberg way:

    Always remember, we were innocent and could not wrong our conscience.

    That quote is amazing.

  10. Im sorry it wasnt me! Keep Looking

  11. Justice for all.

  12. "Well, I think they ought to take the word 'compassion' out of the English dictionary."

  13. "Well, **** you guys."

  14. oh fk it!

  15. you're gonna regret this

  16. help me jesus, may god be with me.

  17. "Truth is the truth; I didn't do it."

  18. my last words word would be ... “La illaha ill Allah, Muhammadur Rasul Allah”  

  19. "Look over there!"

    *runs away*

  20. I didn't do it and I hope you never catch who did and they keep on killing.

    How's that for getting even.  

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