
If you were about to slow dance with someone and you smelled something bad, would you dance anyway?

by  |  earlier

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Lets say they smelled as if they either had bad breath or they farted or something....would you still do it?




  1. lol well yes and no...i would dance for like the 1st few 30sec. or say then "have to suddenly go" ...awkward i know..but beats torturing my self for like 4mins

  2. You have already committed yourself to this dance so you better go through with it till  the end.

    The fact that you have asked this question tells me you are into yourself only.

  3. i would just say "you know what i am thirsty.  how about we get a drink."

  4. no, I would probably excuse myself and head for the ladies room or something.  

  5. I'd trick them into going someplace with me where we'd either get fresh air, showers, gums, something. :D Well, I guess now we know how I got married so quickly and had so many kids.

  6. Naw, If he/she doesn't have good hygiene or manners he/she would need to find another partner. It don't take much to keep yourself funk free.

  7. Why not?

    If you like the person it would matter.

  8. yeah

    i'm not going to judge a bodily funtion

    you's smelly aren't you?

    some one will luvya anyway

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