
If you were alone with your celeb crush....?

by  |  earlier

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suppose you went into a room and found your celeb crush lying unconcious and you we alone for 15 min with them what would you do?

(lol, nothing too perverted ppl)




  1. ...XD

    I think you would know

  2. "...If you ever want to see him again..."

  3. I WOULD **** HIS ******* BRAINS OUT

    yeah i tried to keep as PG rated as possible

  4. Probably try and revive him. (by any method I think best)

  5. Shake him and say "wake up" then wonder why he hasn't regenerated yet... lol  I've given away who he is.. lol...

  6. I would kiss him  and call an ambulance.

  7. Have s*x with Wouldn't need him

  8. I have more than one celeb crush, and what fun is anything if they're unconscious? You couldn't talk to them, and taking advantage of them would be wrong.  

  9. Steal whats in their pockets and put it up on ebay!

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