
If you were an Extra-Terrestrial: what would you look like? Where would you come from?

by  |  earlier

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What would your World and your People look like?

What language(s) would you use?

Why Humans from Earth would seem so weird to you?

Thanks! :-)





  1. I'd be blue, hot pink, purple and yellow glittery wind.

    I would use the language of love, kisses and whispers.

    Humans would seem so weird because they are always

    fussing, complaining, fighting, frowning and blowing things up.

    Thanks to you, too! Have a Happy Day!

  2. Ojection!  Calls for speculation on the part of the witness.

  3. i look like a large red eyed mothman

    the language i would use is loud shreeks

    humans and earth would seem weird to me because i crash landed in the woods of Kecksburg, Pa in 1965 and then I traveled to Point Pleasant, WV looking for food and got blamed for the bridgecollapse in 1967

  4. I don't know what you call it...but I'd like to change with each person I meet.  I'd like to change into the type of person they would like. If "all my people" (lol) did this...then everybody would get along with each other. My language would be one that the other person really understood (didn't "misunderstand or twist what I say) There would be adequate words for every feeling.For example:There wouldn't be just the word "love"....but a different word for each KIND of love. (like for for for  country etc etc.) Our words would be so distinctive and clear that no one could misunderstand each other. (And all our pets could speak!!!)

  5. A report in New Scientist has suggested that life come in the form of being silicone, an element that has a similar electron shell configuration as carbon. (Highly detectable)  As far as i know all life is carbon based.  It would be logical to assume that life else where would be carbon based as dioxyribonuclieacid (DNA) molecule of silicone would have less bonding force and less suited to form such a complex molecule.   The truth may be that people from other possible distance worlds could be able blend in easily if they were carbon based.  We accept differences in people whom have come from many parts of the globe, Asian, English and so forth.  I would suggest that they could possibly present and are seeing how our industrialisation effect us and to see weather will survive until it's end when we will have everything our hearts desire, including to ability to travel through space.  The question is can we share the resources the World provides among all that call Earth home.  However if they are not present that would means that we are extra special in the universe and need to look after ourselves accordingly, because despite many resources being employed we have not heard ET on the wireless.  My suggestion on languages are high pitch vernacular happy, low pitch vernacular angry.  However a frame of reference for speech we would need to know.  Hopefully in the effort of coming a great distance, our language they would learn from our wireless, so speak nicely to each other on the phone.  One person did say,  "Do onto others as you wish it upon Yourself."

    Live long and prosper my friend  :-)

    I would not be any different and our Worlds are remarkably the same, except we banned Uranium, cause the person who discovered it die a horrible and painful death.  Come and visit.  Western arm neighbouring galaxy

  6. I would look anyway I wanted but my natural state would be somewhat formless (composed of different types of energy). I would come from the everywhere (past, present, future, and all of space. i.e. "the Q continuum"

    My world (and people) would be beyond humans ability to comprehend with their limited senses.

    I would use any language that the other person spoke. However, I always liked the idea of communicating via telepathy with pictures so I might try that.

    I suppose for the same reason they seem odd to me now.

    Everyone wants to argue (especially on YA) but no one wants to advance their understanding of the world or try and make it a better place. The apathy of humans is astounding,

  7. Who's to say I'm not an Extra Terrestrial? What's to say we don't all look just like everyone else walking around? Who's to say you're not sitting next to one right now?

  8. My world would be filled with people who want to make love every single day, and never fight and argue, and the language of "love" is the only thing we would relate to, communicate to, and/or enteract on.  So if you were not "making love" with us, we would not communicate to your act as though you exist.  We would think humans were retards because they did not know how to love and "make love" like we did, so we would not want to be involved with humans!

    ***** FANTASTIC QUESTION ... THANK YOU!!!!! *****

    Much Love

    Peace & Happiness

  9. I would look jus like i do now but i can shape-shift into any living creature in the universe. My world would be exacly like earth now but there would be 70 % more forest and wild places. The weather would always be cold and the placei woud come from is jus barely floatin next to earth, so close but humans jus dont realize it there. Everyone on my planet would look human but all of us can shape-shift and we would be able to communicate in any language, all the spoken languages on earth and the ones animals use too. Humans would be strange, I would consider them to be harmless but curious things. We would be all over earth but humans dont notice becuase we are so much like them.

    This question was really great to answer, thx for the question, luved it.-Xavia

  10. I can't speculate too much, but I would have to be large enough to make intelligence possible but small enough (in mass) to make long-distance transportation possible.  Beyond that it's all speculation.

  11. your question is weird

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