
If you were an Outerspace Alien, What would your Observation of earthlings be??

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If you were reporting on the activities & status of these Earthlings/Humans after observation, what would be your Objective View??




  1. That these earthling humans are none other than a GARBAGE. They fight and querell with each other upon nothing at all. They don't know discipline and that is why they have divided ONE earth into 295 countries.

  2. This species has developed a weapon called entertainment media that drains your intelligence simple by watching televised programs devised to take money from the masses, their leader is a person named Paris Hilton who is a female with an I.Q. is 65, this species can catch diseases from animals making them a class 3 bio-hazard race, this individual recommends further study but limited contact for personal reasons.

  3. Biochemistry: Hydrocarbon

    High intelligence, bipedial.

    Technological level 0.9

    Space technology in infancy.

    Highly aggressive primate decendants.

    Recommendation: Leave probe in outskirts of system, automatically warn all ships to remain out of ground based missle range.

  4. Carbon-based humanoid parasites have infested planet and are systematically draining every resource to their present ecosystem's detriment and eventual destruction.  

    Inferior organism.  Must Isolate and eliminate parasite before spreading destructive behavior further.

  5. I didnt "GETACLUE"

  6. The most intelligent of the group they call the Primates!  

    They are tribal, aggressive and territorial in their nature!

    There is a danger that they will suffocate their planet if they are unable to keep their numbers under control!

    Best avoided for the moment, lets see what happens in the next 100 or so of their years!

    Hopefully they will be able to sort themselves out!

  7. Hey; check 'em out dude! Those Earthlings are just as mean and nasty as us. We'd better exterminate 'em before they discover warp drive.  

  8.   Ugly really ugly.

  9. why human need oxygen to live

  10. "they have extraordinary appearance which I consider ugly"..i will say this if ever I'll take the place of an alien

  11. "**** this lot, I'm off home."

  12. "d**n, how did I get out of that comic book and into reality?"


  14. I think the Great Gazoo already summed it up.

  15. Sssssh! Not so loud. I am already way ahead of you. I am studying the Earthlings right now as we speak. As soon as I get back to my space ship, I promise I will get back to you and let you know.

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