
If you were an animal what animal would you be?

by  |  earlier

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And why?




  1. A bird, just to have that power of flight!!!

  2. a tiger, they are just very powerful, mysterious, and beautiful

    or a dolphin, they are so pretty and smart, they just swim and jump all day

  3. a dog or horse.

  4. a wolf because it is my belief from my Indian ancestors that when someone dies they are reborn in to a wolf and so there spirits can run free.log live the wolf ,long live my brother

  5. a tiger  because they have cool color and stripes.

  6. a fly. cuz i can see and hear people and they may not notice me. haha

  7. a Gopher..just cuz

  8. A cheetah.

    I can run run run run RUN!! and not get tired so easily, plus I'm cute with my black spots and orange colour :)

  9. dog

  10. a platypus,

    because they have little venom things on their elbows

    and they are the only mammals that lay eggs.


    woot woot!

  11. A horse.

    For me, it's a symbol of determination and passion. Also, it's quite temperamental.

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