
If you were an upcoming artist, who would you rather be signed under out of these 3?

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  1. Neither of them

  2. none

    bad boy make money out of an artist for one album.

    shady never etablish a rapper unless you blow eminem

    murder ince are terrible

  3. bad boyyyy

  4. I would sign with Roc-A-Feller or Atlantic. And I'd be able to make my own music and not be kicked off the label for making what the public wants.

  5. ide choose shady, since to be honest, i never heard of the other 2, and shady's music isnt too bad, and hes making some big as$ money and getting some awesome girls...

  6. I like Sporty...cute...pretty boys!

  7. My band just got signed under EMI AMERICA.


  9. Shady. I have always wanted to work with Eminem :)

  10. shady

  11. Oh, I thought you meant actual artist.  You mean, rapper?

    I guess I would try to have the hardest image, or something... I like the name Murder Inc for that.

    I really don't think the next Picasso, or Yo-Yo Ma would really go for any of those "Labels" though... according to the literal interpretation of your question.

  12. Bad Boy

  13. Bad Boy

    Murder Inc is a joke now.

    Shady tends to sleep on their artists.

  14. dang!bad boy better den the rest of em

  15. none of them at all bt if it was a life or death decision i wuld choose shady

  16. bad boy all thee way


  17. BAD BOY!!

  18. Okay a bad boy's artist's shelf life is aproximately 2-3 yrs. if you're good. Murder Inc, well I don't know anyone out of that camp that currently has anything out right now especially since Ashanti left. So I guess I'll have to go with Shady.

  19. Swan Song.  

  20. Murder Inc

  21. Shady, both Bad Boy & Murder Inc are graveyards  

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