
If you were anonymously President for 1 day and could make 1 and only 1 change to the U.S.A, what would it be?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Simplify taxation.  

    Taxes here, taxes there, taxes taxes everywhere has to end.  

    Effective spending of fewer taxes should replace wasteful spending of numerous taxes.

  2. Open the oil reserves

  3. stop the war

  4. There is nothing that can be done in one day.  It take day if not months to develop the idea of change and then it takes convincing Congress to vote on it and passing that bill.  Anyone that thinks they could change anything in one day isn't very educated.

  5. Line item veto for the executive order.  The congress sends through too much worthless c**p in good bills.

  6. I would end the fallacy that Corporations have the same rights and privileges as a person. Since they do NOT have the same responsibilities as a citizen (i.e. they cannot be put into prison), then they do not have the rights. This started back in the late 1860's when the Supreme Court decided a case, and the Clerk of the Court wrote it in longhand after the Judges got on their horses and rode home that corporations had these rights when the Court itself never said that at all. Its never been corrected and it has caused all sorts of mischief. Ever since,it has been one of the most accepted and vigorously defended principals of American law, and it is totally wrong. Take the Bhopal, India incident wherein Union Carbide gassed about 1100 people to death and escaped with their profits intact by declaring bankruptcy. A real person could never do that.

  7. I would try to bring the troops home.

  8. to lower the price of gas!duh

  9. Overhaul and get rid of the entire government of the State of California

    (not like the president could actually do that, but I am thinking that the question was posed as if there were no restrictions)


    That would help the WHOLE NATION!!!

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