
If you were any animal; what would you be?

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If you were any animal; what would you be?




  1. Homo sapiens, they have the nicest sorts of food.

  2. A cat because they can get away with sleeping so much!

  3. a pet dog. that is small. small dogs live longer and are cuter.

  4. a lion, i have long thick red hair, and golden skin

  5. I would be a skua. I'd steal food from others with impunity :-D

  6. umm well id be a phionex

    if they were posible


  7. a giraffe

  8. May be a sugar glider or a python unsure  

  9.      Leopard or something. Run like, 40 miles an hour,

  10. Hands down...Giraffe

  11. a rhino because they are my favorites and are calm.

  12. A Tiger....Grrrrrrrrrrrr

  13. dolphin :)

  14. something that could fly. i'm thinking eagle but knowing my luck i'd be a house fly

  15. an engineer

  16. Sarah-i would be a ducky because i love ducks they are so cute by the way love the name!!!

  17. i would have to say hm.. maybe a gorilla there very strong and they dont realize it till the fight or cause damage

  18. I would def be a Polar Bear....No one messes with you and you sleep half a better life...

    I bet alot of people they will say that they want to be a bird because they are free....thats a good one too...but I like a polar bear, or grizzly bear....

    Good luck.........

  19. If I were an animal, I would definitely be a dolphin. It is such a smart, beautiful, and lovable creature. It is so graceful.

  20. I would be a Giant River Otter.  They look like they have so much fun and have great family relationships with each other.

  21. i would be a gupy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  22. A dolphin.  Smart and Beautiful.

  23. haha this is kind of a dumb question but i will answer it anyways. I think I would be like a rabbit because they are sooo cute:P Except they eat there own c**p... so maybe like a dog because they are pretty much spoiled if they go to the right owner. On the other hand I think I would be a giraff. Why? because who doesnt like girraffs? They arent really in any danger and they just eat leaves and chill:P

    EDIT: I would just like to add that I didnt notice that people actually said giraffe up there:P And here I was thinking a was being original. Oh btw sugar gliders are the ****:P

    update; I would also like to be a platapus or a dont mess with a hedghog. they know where its at:P

  24. Pteronura Brasiliensis-The South American Giant River Otter

  25. A penguin of course. I would look as if I always had a tuxedo on, and thus very stylish.  

  26. An eagle- yeah I know that's not too original, but I'd just love to be able to fly.

  27. a boobooguffboomsnuffalufagus

  28. Homo Sapiens

  29. DINOOOOOO! then i would be the friggen most awesome thing around, everyone would be like, dude, it's a dino! and i'd be like, ha, yeah that's me, then i'd smoosh them with my giant feet and eventually retire my life of foot smooshing and become an actor in the land before time.  

  30. a goldfish because there attention span is only 3 seconds..imagine waking up to a new life every 3'd never be bored or sad!

  31. bunny becuase they are soft and cuddly

    ♥ xoxo ♥


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