
If you were asked out on a date with a person who u barly new but they new u... would u go?????????/?

by  |  earlier

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If you were asked out on a date with a person who u barly new but they new u... would u go?????????/?




  1. Yes I'd be flattered

  2. Um if they weren't creepy, and your parents approved, maybe...

  3. how would they know you if you bearly knew them ? that just sounds weird....and yeah i prob would if i liked them or if they were a nice person

  4. If I barely know them, then they barely know me.

    Na-a-a I wouldn't. Maybe after some conversation though.

  5. UHM. No, unless I was that desperate to.

  6. nope

    you need to get to know him or her more

    two words : date rape

    get to know him better

  7. No i would want to know the person first.

  8. As long as they didn't have a thing about axe's,yes I would

  9. sure.. in that way, you can now know who that person really is.. and you will not call him "a person i barely knew" anymore... right?

  10. well i guess

    how does that freakin work out. you should both know eachother liek me n eggs

  11. That's what dates are for! To get to know the other person better! =)

    If the person makes you uncomfortable, make that the last date you'll ever have with that person.

  12. yea, to the police station. dam stalkers. lol

  13. Please learn to spell.

  14. i'd like to know how this person knows me so well if i dont know them.... sounds creepy.... i dont think i'd go!

  15. No, I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole

    How is it possible for someone to know you but for you not to know them?  Do you have mutual acquaintances or something?  

    Do you work together, share a class?

  16. Yeah. I like adventures. I mean, life is too short. But, if it could be a dangerous situation then no. Don't go. But as for my dicison alone? I'd go. Have a little fun. Go to the movies, maybe dinner. You know, fun stuff. Nothing leading to s*x in anyway. Not yet..anyway........Teehee. Hope I helped.

  17. How can someone know you if you don't know them unless they are a stalker?

  18. Get to know them?!x

  19. It depends, are they like a syco? If not then go for it.

  20. Park on some dark secluded dead end  lane.

  21. nope

  22. if i liked them yes

  23. if i barely know them, how do they know me any better?  whatever....

    anyway... if i were single and anyone attractive, apparently smart and possibly funny asked me out, i'd likely say yes to at least one date to get to know them better.

  24. Yes i would, it all depends how she approaches me, but most likey yes, if i think she's alright. (Man's point of view)

  25. only if they could spell properly...

  26. if the girl is worth going... of course!!

  27. if they were fit then defo

  28. yeah probably,that's what dates are for

    why is this in Ireland?

  29. maybe, if they seemed nice, but only to a public place that would be safe!

  30. It happens all the time with my fans.

  31. If i waz in this sittuation i would carmly nd nicely explain to the person that allthough u think they are vry nice and a genionly beautiful person that you dont really know them as well *** u'd like and then i would suggest that we get to no each other before movin into anything so as niether u or them get hurt. well thats what id do anyways. hope it hlp'd

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