
If you were at Hogwarts...?

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Let's just say you were a wizard/witch in the books;

If you were to go to Honeydukes, what would you buy?

What is your favorite subject at Hogwarts?

What would your favorite spell/jinx/hex ?

If you could be best friends with any character who would it be?

What would your boggart turn into?

Would you be a muggle born, a half blood, or a pure blood?

What would be your favorite magical creature?

My answers

If you were to go to Honeydukes, what would you buy? SugarQuills :D

What is your favorite subject at Hogwarts? Defense the Dark Arts ( it seems to have the most action and some cursed teachers ;-)

What would your favorite spell/jinx/hex ? Bat Bogey Hex ( specialty of Ginny Weasley :D )

If you could be best friends with any character who would it be? Ginny Weasley, or Ron Weasley

What would your boggart turn into? ughh a GIGANTIC Snake or Heath Ledger ;-)

Would you be a muggle born, a half blood, or a pure blood? half blood :D

What would be your favorite magical creature? i like Unicorns ( they are pretty but i like Niflers they get you gold !




  1. Awesome questions.  (:

    1. Ice Mice and Sherbet Balls.  My teeth can squeak while I levitate off the ground!

    2. Potions.  I know, it had Snape, but it seems like the kind of class I would love to participate in.

    3. The Patronus Charm, by far.  It's gotten the trio out of many tight spots, and besides, the Patronus' are quite pretty.  I think mine would take the shape of a leopard or other small cat.

    4. Tonks seemed like so much fun to hang around with, but I obviously wouldn't mind any of the trio.

    5. Probably a giant bug or something.

    6. Mudblood, and proud of it.

    7. A Phoenix.  They are loyal, gorgeous, and useful!

  2. If you were to go to Honeydukes, what would you buy?

    One of everything! I've got a sweet tooth.

    What is your favorite subject at Hogwarts?

    Herbology, I like plants.

    What would your favorite spell/jinx/hex ?

    Petrificus Totalus, the original and best curse.

    If you could be best friends with any character who would it be?

    Neville, he's my favourite character.

    What would your boggart turn into?

    A spider, like Ron's. I'm the world's biggest arachnophobe!

    Would you be a muggle born, a half blood, or a pure blood?

    Muggle-born, of course! Unless there's something my parents aren't telling me...

    What would be your favorite magical creature?

    A phoenix, they're cool and they get re-born so you won't have to get a new pet when it dies.

    Thanks for the questions, I enjoyed answering these!

  3. hmmm...been a while since i read the books but.....

    1. everything. I love sweet stuff!!!!!

    2. defense against the dark arts

    3. alohomora (i hope that's how you spell it)

    4. george and fred weasley!!!!

    5. a big huge spider or death

    6. pure blood

    7. basilisk!!!!!

  4. Great Question!

    If you were to go to Honeydukes, what would you buy?

    Everything they have!

    What is your favorite subject at Hogwarts?

    DADA, Arithamancy, Potions ( I could use the poisons and potions! =P)

    What would your favorite spell/jinx/hex ?

    hard one! I like . . . ALL of them! especially Hermione's "special and difficult" ones! =P

    If you could be best friends with any character who would it


    Umm, I would get along with the Trio and Ginny and Cedric and the W Twins and Neville and Luna the most, they are my faves too.

    What would your boggart turn into?

    Snake, tornado, death(?) of mine and everyone else I love

    Would you be a muggle born, a half blood, or a pure blood?

    Half-Blood like Harry and our Wiz terrorist Voldy

    What would be your favorite magical creature?

    Phoenix, Niffler, Mermaid (love the songs), House Elves, Unicorns, Centaurs, Hippogriffs!!! (Do The Hippogriff - weird sisters (that song was HILARIOUS!!!))

  5. Oh, I LOVE this question! I've just read all my HP's again and now I'm suffering from withdrawal!


    1. Cockroach cluster

    2. Defence if Lupin was teaching, or Charms, cos that always seems really noisy and heaps of fun!

    3. Um... oh! the spell Hermione uses to carry a jar of fire around.

    4. I would be best friends with the Weasley twins.

    5. Probably the same as what Mrs Weasley's turned into.

    6. Half blood.

    7. Hippogriffs.

  6. 1)acid pops

    2)mine is about the magical creatures thought by the way what u were tryin to say is defense against dark arts check ur spelling.

    3)the dementor chasin one.


    5)a skull

    6)for ur kind information muggle borns are not taken into hogwarts only half bloods and pure bloods are.


    and finally "STEP OUT OF IT,harry potter is so out of fashion now.go find some new books ok?

  7. 1. Chocolate Frog

    2. Defense Against the Dark Arts

    3. Expecto Patronum

    4. Ginny or Harry

    5. A giant spider

    5. Half Blood

    6. Hippogriff

  8. If you were to go to Honeydukes, what would you buy? Chocolate frogs.

    What is your favorite subject at Hogwarts? Ancient Runes!

    What would your favorite spell/jinx/hex ? Not sure... what's that one where leeks grow out of the victim's ears?

    If you could be best friends with any character who would it be? It'd probably be Hermione.

    What would your boggart turn into? Something covered in blood...

    Would you be a muggle born, a half blood, or a pure blood? Pure bloods have the advantage of knowing all about the wizarding world for having been born into it...

    What would be your favorite magical creature? Blast-ended Skrewts.

  9. Great question!

    Let's just say you were a wizard/witch in the books;

    If you were to go to Honeydukes, what would you buy?

    Chocolate Cauldrons

    What is your favorite subject at Hogwarts?

    Defense Against the Dark Arts

    What would your favorite spell/jinx/hex ?

    Obliviate (It would be very handy to be able to make people forget things.

    If you could be best friends with any character who would it be?

    Professor McGonagall or Mrs. Weasley. They both have strength and style.

    What would your boggart turn into?

    Not sure about that one. Maybe a giant wasp!

    Would you be a muggle born, a half blood, or a pure blood?

    Muggle born

    What would be your favorite magical creature?


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