
If you were at the WSOP and dealt AA firsthand of the tourny, would you fold them or risk your tourny life?

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The ME at the WSOP cost 13K, you either bought or won your way in, your at a table and dealt first hand AA 2 people in fron of you go all in..would you go all in also? Or risk your tournament life losing to trips? Would you fold them?




  1. I fold can't outplay anyone after the flop, and with 2 opponents the odds of one of them cracking your aces is greater. Tripling up on the first hand is not nearly as valuable as douling or tripling your stack later in the tournament when your're likely to have a bigger stack. Against one all in and nobody left to act I would seriously consider calling.

  2. fold. you want to play tight early and build a bankroll. if it was only 1 caller, i would do it, but 2 is too risky.

  3. If you came to win the tournament then you must call with the best hand possible.  You are a 4 to 1 favorite versus Kings.  You will not get better odds for your money.

  4. i would have 2 fold, pocket aces are the best hand but it is only 1 pair and chances are the other 2 people goin all in the first hand 1 of the as well might have pocket aces or if they both have ak or a pocket pair and hit  set,a flush,a straight,and there would only be a slight chance for u to make a better hand then 1 pair  i wouldnt risk it all first hand

  5. There would be no doubt in my mind that I would have to call. Even though i notice they usually get busted by a lower pocket pair that catches the board. You have the best starting hand in poker, the odds are with you. I don't anyone will say fold to this question ever.

  6. Well, let's see, at worst I am a 62% favorite if I am up against something like KK and a low suited connector like 9-10.  9-10 all-in isn't likely, so it's probably more like KK and QQ at which point I'm 66%.  Maybe even KK and AK suited at which point I'm over 75%.  The absolute worst it could be is two suite connectors like J-10 and 6-7, at which point I would be down to 57%ish, but I can't imagine two all-ins on just suited connectors.  I am definitely all-in regardless.

  7. Pocket A's before The Flop.  I'd have to be all in

  8. Play the odds....

    All in!

  9. That is the dream scenario

    1st hand and tripling up FTW

  10. Take into consideration that the guys going all-in on hand one don't necessarily have a top hand.  Let's suppose they won their entry and just think it would be "cool" to go all in on the first hand.  Let's face it - the pros aren't going all in on the first hand.

    Your odds may very well be better than facing KK or suited connectors.

    That said, I might go call if I won my way into the tourney.  If I have 10K invested in it, I'm going to fold.  Tripling up on the first hand doesn't give you a significant advantage in a two week tournament.

  11. I would call, and go all in.

    Depending on the cards the other players have, most likely High pairs or suited AK, you are a strong favorite in the hand, between 63-74%.

    Sure you can get outdrawn, but this is higly unlikely. If your opponents have KK, QQ, for example, there are only four cards left in the deck either one of them can catch to beat you. If one is an AK and a KK, you are a dominating favorite!

    This actually happened to me in a 100 player tournament here in Detroit at Greektown Casino. I was on the button in the first hand and caught AA. One player went all in, and another called. I did not debate it, I called all in too. When the cards came up, the first player had JJ and the second had AK suited. The flop was rainbow rags, Q turn and rag river.

    The triple up plus blinds at the start put me in the lead and I came in third place in the tourney.

  12. Call, I was just dealt the best possible starting hand in poker.It would be a dumb move to fold that hand.

  13. Looks too enticing, which means it's too enticing. A chip and a chair can make you a millionaire....but no chips means you're walking the strip. Fold 'em.

  14. FOLD!

    It is a 2 week tournament.  Tripling up on the first hand would be sweet, but it would be just too risky for me.  There would be plenty of time to increase the chip stack, and place yourself in a situation to do well.

  15. You have to call the All-In bets-you have the best hand preflop and, so the odds are with you and the chance to triple up.

  16. you would have a lot more information than you mentioned ...  people do not just go "all in" with 1 1/2 blinds in the pot. who bet first, who called/ raised/re-raised (and how much do have left after calling) ... and in what position, who folded (an old pro who calls has a very good hand that he folded ), ... etc. the worst scenario is probably the best in your present situation: one guy  has KK, and the other has AK (or KK himself) suited. in other words both players have the cards needed to beat you! ... there is one K left in the deck. you have the best hand and 2 Aces in the deck.   what if the first all in had AK and the 2nd all in had AK suited?   AA looks really good to me but once again you would have more information than you could imagine at that point.

  17. go all in you have proper odds and to start off in a tough event like that with a huge chip lead would be great

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