
If you were attacked by zombies what would you want for a weapon?

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If you were attacked by zombies what would you want for a weapon?




  1. haha i like this question. i would have to say a machine gun so i could take out a lot at once

  2. A weapon, the  military service called the AA-12 Gage shotgun. do a web search on it  and you will see why.  (why  do I answer  fantasy questions anyway?)

  3. A semi-automatic(not automatic)rifle.The M1 carbine is perfect.That's for long range outdoor killing.For short range or indoor kills a small caliber semiautomatic pistol,preferably with a large capacity clip.For close up kills of single zombies a blunt object(mace or long handled hammer).It should be heavy enough to crack a skull but light enough to not tire you out too quickly.You may want a machete but remember.Do not decapitate the Zombie.Unless the skull is cracked and the brain injured.The head will survive and could still bite an ankle or foot.A machete could also get hung up in the skull.Use the hammer or mace instead.

  4. gun...

    shot them on the head!!

  5. A machet or sword to cut their heads off so they wouldnt eat me

  6. a flame thrower....burn them suckas

  7. Full-auto 12 guage shot gun like this one:

    ...And a machete.

  8. My bible.  My faith is enough.

  9. Wow, thats a hard one, well normally the only way to kill a zombie would be to destroy the brain so i would choose either a machince gun with an endless supply of bullets or an axe so i could decapitate theirs asses! Woot woot.

    That would be soo bad ***!

  10. I'd want a chainsaw.  Nothing better for cutting dead meat!

  11. The most powerful weapon created. Chuck Norris.

  12. A herd of unicorns, the zombies would soon get the point.

  13. I love zombie movies! It depends, R the zombies slow and stupid like in Resident Evil or fast like in 28 Days Later. Okay a baseball bat for Resident Evil zombies and two .45 gold plated pistols for 28 Days Later zombies and a sword for backup. Good Luck lol

  14. A cricket bat, just like Sean in Sean of the Dead, yeah!!

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