
If you were born again, would u like to be british again?

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I would like to be swiss.




  1. yes

  2. Yes British again please I sure wouldnt want to be anything else ,Wonder if that answer up above realises that Scotland is British and if her ancesters came from Northern Ireland they are British as  well

  3. British /English - Yes please

  4. unsure, there is pros and cons.


    Mostly people eat more than in third world countries, we dont live in a war torn country, not like we are doing to Irac.

    We have technology freely avalible to us ie in homes or libaries free internet.


    As a nation we are all behaving like sheep, letting the government dominate ours lives ie the war than many didnt want. If we were a french citizen we would get some back bone and realise that one person matters in changing things. Because one makes many. If they dont like it. hey! they protest and riot. Not saying this is the way but beats sitting back and thinking our individual opinion doesnt matter and that it wouldnt matter because I am only one person. Frankly i think we cant be bothered or are frightened of making a fuss.  On consideration yes i would be born again in timbucktu! or as a plant with no mind

  5. My ancestors were not British. They were Scottish and Irish, so while I may be fascinated with British History, no, I would want to come back as being British.

    I honestly do not have a clue as to whom I would want to come back as except that I know I would want to be a true humanitarian with no prejudice at all towards anyone. Now that I am handicapped, I can only mostly be of limited help my immediate family, but it would be nice to be able to help man-and woman-kind overall.

  6. I have had a wonderful life i think i would have to try being in a tribe in africa or something. My favorite though would be canada.

  7. oh yes!

  8. I'm not British.  I'm Welsh and yes, of course, I'd like to be born Welsh again in my next life.

    Not that you're given a choice where you want to be born but I'd like to state my preferences :

    1.   Welsh

    2.  Scots

    3.   Anything but English

  9. Definatly yes. They do live all over the world though.

  10. I've never been British, so I could not very well be British again, but, yes, I suppose that if I were born again, I would rather be British than American.

  11. English! I like the fact that the pound is quite a "powerful" currency, yeah i know there are a few others that are worth more but, ya no. :P

    I would like a PM with a back-bone though.

    I used to be proud of my country but lately, im not. Were just backing down from everything. :S

  12. As long as I remained a cockney

  13. yes I would love to be British again but with a few provisos:

    1. Policeman and Teachers could administer discipline.

    2. The punishment met the crime

    3. Our forces were used to defend Britain and not other


    4.  All the jobs were available in the UK and not farmed out to

         foreign countries.

    5.  There were referendums on everything to do with the EU

  14. Cecil Rhodes once said that being born Britsh was like being given a first-class ticket to Life.

  15. I'd have to think about it. Firstly, I'm not British now, but I think it would be great to be British, except that no one can be certain what it will mean to be British in the future, when I'd most likely be reincarnated. Last I heard, the most popular boy's name in Britain now was Mohamed. That doesn't sound very British to me. What's going on there?

  16. I was not British this time...

  17. I'm not British at the moment, but yeah, whatever, British sounds okay.


  18. Well, I'm not british but I'd like to be so...

    I like the monarchy but my country is republican. I'd like to live in the UK because I am a Queen Elizabeth's fan.

    Happy New Year.

  19. Nope, I would like to be English again.

    Not that there would be an option for that on the ''Be Born Again'' form.

    I'd end up as 'white other'.

  20. i was never born in britain,but if i were born again i'd wanna be born there!

  21. Nope...Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oy Oy Oy

  22. Not British, but English.

  23. YESS

    i am born british (english)

    and if i was to be born again i would love to be born british again ;)

  24. never and i'm not british right now either. i'm happy being who i'm.

  25. English again please

  26. After being "Born again"

    Still proud to be British.

    With memories left behind in time.

    Decode this lyrics " Mother"

    Was born and raised by "God Mother"

    With paper qualification that worth it's pound in gold.

    Luke 9.55-56

    Lucky not being born and raised by the dead Mummy with empty skeleton of skull and bones.

    With cheap-skate ghostly paper qualification good for services at the graveyards not even worth in dollars or cent.

    Luke 9.60

    Getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God in climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  27. I am born again, spiritually, but if and note the emphasis on if - because I do not believe in re-incarnation, I was physically, I would be fully Latvian!  At the moment I am half and half - and it is my birthday today!

  28. That depends on the value of the pound versus the dollar. [I'm an American of primarily Scottish descent by the way, and Scots qualify as "British".]  Actually, at times, dual citizenship sounds attractive.

  29. What, and go through life knowing we got our butts kicked by the yanks.

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