
If you were born right in the 4 corners what state would you be born in?

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The Four Corners is a region of the United States consisting of southwest Colorado, northwest New Mexico, northeast Arizona and southeast Utah.




  1. It's probably not necessary to specify a state, just a specific location, namely Four Corners, USA.

    I seem to remember a news item a number of years ago about a woman giving birth on a plane flight over the ocean.  The birth certificate listed place of birth with Latitude and Longitude.

  2. You might have the right to choose one, I guess. Or maybe you'll be from all four.

  3. i doubt that would ever happen. but if it did, probably the state most of your body was in.

  4. well you would have to be stading right on that exact its not possible wherever the doc was standing would count :)

  5. if you were born in the 4 corners "region" you would probably be born in Gallup, NM, which is nearest large town with any sort of health facilities of note.

    The next nearest towns would be Winslow and Flagstaff AZ.

    unless you were actually born at the "site" of the meeting of the 4 states, and it would depend on where your parents parked their car, and you would probably then be born in their car.

  6. Since there is nothing at the four corners to provide shelter for a birth and woman and baby are both moving during the process, an attempt at producing this confusing situation would merely result confusion, since either the mother has to register the birth with the county or the doctor or midwife must do so and it matters not where you are born for most purposes but where you are registered.

  7. The state of confusion!

  8. The one where you are mostly in.

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