
If you were caught shop lifting but you dont have a criminal record can my work place still find out?

by  |  earlier

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kk soo if i was caught shoplifting at a mall and i didnt go to caurt the police let me off with a warning and and the store jus fined me and banned me for a year...can my current work place somehow find out?




  1. Why would you do something so stupid?

  2. Nope, unless your boss knows someone at the store you were busted in and they talked. The chances are slim but don't do that again!!!  You won't have a job!

  3. Yes.....if your boss was in the same shop shopping at that time..... ^_^

  4. Only if you told them that you were employed and where

  5. Probably not unless you tell them or someone who is out to get you tells them.

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