
If you were compelled to go on a spiritual journey where would it lead you?

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If you were compelled to go on a spiritual journey where would it lead you?




  1. To Truth.

  2. straight to your moms house

  3. It would be God telling me I need to go someplace and I have no idea where that could take me. Ever heard of missionaries? They go all over the place. They are called by God to share their faith and the good news. They just want everyone to know that God loves them no matter what they have done. No matter who they are. I admire them. I don't think I would be compelled to go. I would be called to go by God and I will go anywhere He chooses for me.  

  4. So far, it's lead me right here. Who knows where it will lead me next? Thanks for asking though.

  5. To the truth.

    I have been on a spiritual journey and it lead me to where I am now.  Part of the L..D.S. church.

    Afterthought:  I believe we are all on a spiritual journey, unfortunately not very many people feel compelled. As we stand on the earth we do not realize it is spinning.  We think we are standing still.  Yet the truth is that the earth is rotating. It's the same with our lives. Weather a person realizes that he or she is on a spiritual journey or not, doesn't change the fact that they are on one that day will come when the journey is over by then it will be too late to begin the journey.

  6. I already went but since you're asking this question you wouldn't be interested in the answer.

  7. I think it would help me further my beliefs as a Goddess worshipper.

  8. Garden of the gods in Colorado Springs Co.

  9. Ocala where I am now.  

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