
If you were cornered by a mob in any country asking where you were from?

by Guest31928  |  earlier

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what nationality would you claim to be




  1. Depends on what country I'm cornered in.

  2. Canada of course. Almost everyone likes Canadians. :)

  3. CANADIANS AND AUSTRALIANS are the friendliest ppl on earth, they wouldnt have any problems

  4. Gotta make a stand somewhere friend.  I'm United States, deal with it.

  5. I think the mob would know with my first word.  I am very obviously American.

  6. You'd be better off being honest than making something up.

    When I was a kid in school, they had us read a story about an American visiting the middle east, who was cornered like you said.  They asked him to recite the Muslim creed, which he did, and when they said it looked like he didn't believe it, he told them he was a Christian.  They pressed a little more and he asked them, "what would you do if a bunch of Christians were asking you to recite the Christian creed?", and they suddenly respected him for standing up for himself and his god when many men would have folded and just said whatever to stay alive.

  7. I'm an American and will never be ashamed to be. There are bad people of any nationality and I won't be embarrassed by my worst.

  8. Mars.

  9. Any where but the US. I'm as patriotic as the next guy,but I would have not doubt that somehow, someway, we as a nation has done something that would make those people want to kill every American they see. There is no other nation on earth that is as good as we are at making enemies and some one hate us. That's why you see most Americans holding up their finger and proudly proclaiming, we're number one, we're number one!

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