
If you were cut off a High School Team as a Senior....?

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so recently, volleyball tryouts have been going on. I was curious to hear others opinions because this is the way I feel about them. Coaches make cuts to make better and stronger teams.... but the thing is no one else on the team sees it that way....people are taking them way too personal? So a Girl, as a Senior, was cut off the team, and everyone was pretty ticked, but the thing is, it isn't cuz the coach doesn't like her, it's to make the team better, because this chick was not very good. What is your opinion? Wouldn't you want a strong team?




  1. The way i see it...alot of people come out there senior year and expect to play just cause they're seniors but hello, you have to have skill!! Who wants a weak team?!! if your wondering if you should feel bad or something, you shouldnt!!

  2. Yeah, the point is to win City and State championships, and the coach and the players should all see that as the goal. I had a similar situation this year which really didn't help our team, my friend wanted to play outside but me and this other kid where better than him and we started outside, and our setter was weak... and he had good hands so she wanted to start him setter, but he refused and ended up quitting the team.

  3. last year we had 3 girls (all juniors) cut -including my sister- and all three were decent players. One of the seniors quit because she wasn't going to get as much playing time as some of the juniors/sophmores that were on Varsity. The coaches kept some girls that were good players, but it seemed like that they didn't try to go for some of the balls and never talked. The 3 juniors did that, but they got cut and they didn't try out again (they said "their loss!" We also had to let our freshman coach go because we didn't have enough girls to keep her! hmm.....)

    Next week is tryouts for our team, and I'm concerened for the players (me included) who try their hardest and talk and go for the ball, but aren't the greatest players and a couple girls who were gone almost all summer and are decent players (not me, but some of my friends).

    The coach was right to cut that senior. If I were a coach I would want a team that got along, but was also strong and tried their hardest.

  4. This happened just yesterday when my highschool team saw the results from our tryouts. Two girls that played last year got cut and threw a huge fit about it. One already had a bad attitude and everyone knew it so we knew she didn't have much of a chance but the other was upset because she thought since she played last year she was automatically in. We had a bigger turn out for tryouts this year and there was more skilled players put in front of the coach than she had so even though I love my friend who was cut, I see and she has to see that the coach is only trying to make a stronger team and can't play favorites, just skill and dedication and she just wasn't up to par like the other girls. It's unavoidable to have to cut people and have them be p.o'ed so it's a good thing the coach thought of the team and players and picked who was best skilled and dedicated than who's been there longest.

  5. Coaches are hired to make strong teams; not teams of people with seniority.  If the senior girl wanted to play volleyball and stay in the program she would have gladly taken a spot on JV or as you team manager.  There was a "rotten senior" during my junior year of vball.  She made the team and saw the floor, but she was not playing front row like she wanted.  She ended up quitting mid season which spoiled the chemistry on our team (she was our setters best friend).  If the senior did not have the skill and understand the coach's decisions then maybe she was not mature enough to be on the team.

  6. Well I agree If you aren't ne good. then you don't need to be worried about playing I will tell you liket this k

    I played softball and I didn't get to play because they said I wasn't as good but....

    My senior year I played and I was a Catcher and I took that team to the Championship I had the best battin average and I keep that team strong. that was the 1st time that our school was even in a championship or won the championship in 10 years.

    I know I was better than most of the girls on the team. I had other coaches from other schools asking why I wasn't playing and all kinds of stuff..

    Basically if you don't have money like the rest of your teammates and you don't give the school alot of money then you ain't SH*T to them... thats just how I feel.

  7. That's what happened my senior year in softball- one of my buddies was cut from the team. It's understandable to want an awesome team, but if somebody puts in all of the time and effort, and it is their senior year, they should at least be allowed to be on the team, I think.

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