
If you were diagnosed with depression in the past and was hospitalized for being suicidal....

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and later wanted to buy a hangun or shotgun or rifle for protection because you ended up living by yourself could you?




  1. It depends on the state. More and more states are preventing people with serious mental illness or history of certain mental health issues (ie suicide, etc) from owning or purchasing guns. A lot of places are closing loopholes that allowed it or passing entirely new laws, partly because of those shootings at Virginia Tech and NIU.

    I guess try googling "gun laws StateName mental illness" or something like that to find the answer for your state. I wasn't able to find anything that had all the laws listed in one place sorry, each state that has the laws probably has slightly different rules about who is eligible/ineligible to own a gun.

    ETA- Missouri bars people who have been committed to mental institutions from owning guns. I'm not sure if that means any time in institution or only an involuntary commitment though sorry.

  2. I really don't see why not; your background check consists of criminal activity not medical history. Just because someone tries to kill them self in the past does not mean they are still mentally unstable, this could be proven by seeing a psychologist and getting a letter of achievement. But still do some research on your own states gun laws before you pursue this. Here's a link:

  3. Depending on your state you might need to show prove that you are not going to use it for other reasons but protecting yourself!

  4. i think you need to be first checked that you are over your depressions and stuff.

    than a gun license. but its different n every part of world and usa.

  5. need a gun license  

  6. What state do you live in, every state has a different law regarding this.

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