
If you were drafted, would you serve in the military?

by Guest60792  |  earlier

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...and what if you thought the war was unjust?




  1. lol when i registered for school i put "allowed to be drafted"

    i might regret it but if i do go in i hope spending those hours on cod4 will pay off. LOL IM A 10 PRESTIGE NO LIFE!

  2. I think it would be a sad day if the draft ever did come around again. Thankfully we have enough volunteers to do the job if we can get it done fast enough. I just missed the draft when I was coming of age. And I'm thankful for that. Yes, I would be upset at going to fight for an unjust cause. Anyone would. That's the good thing about the millitary now is most of them believe this is a just cause. We are defending ourselves and what happened on 9/11/01. We are finaly taking up for ourselves and we are helping a country rebuild itself.

  3. Probably, unless it was a really objectionable war, like say one of aggression on a Democratic country.

  4. No, not if I thought it was unjust.  They cannot make you serve.  I would rather be in jail than kill people I didn't even know for something they didn't even do.  A lot of people signed up after 9/11 thinking they were going to go get Bin Laden and they were duped and ended up in Iraq.. and gave their lives for that lie.  I would rather live as an honest and upright man than kill innocents because I was afraid of my government.  That is the thing... prior to Bush we kinda thought at least in the case of war the gov't would pretty much tell the truth.  Not any more.  

  5. Yeah, and if I thought the war was unjust I would document it to the best of my ability so that others could see what was really going on. Although it would be highly unlikely, I have an RE-3 code on my DD-214 due to poor hearing, which means I could only rejoin the military with a waiver.

  6. Probably not because I would most likely be found unfit for service due to medical conditions.  Whether the war is just or not, if you are drafted you serve.  Fortunately there is no draft where I live.

  7. exaclty because if u refuse to serve im pretty sure that they would beat u up until u do because if you got drafted its because its important for you to go   anyway the army is cool to so why not? :D

  8. If I could legally justify it like Micheal New who wouldn't serve in a foreign uniform.  The Constitution and general ethics need to be upheld and whatever resistance you give makes their fight harder.  If you are drafted, serve.  If the military asks you to do anything illegal or wrong call a lawyer.

  9. No, because I have two medical exclusions (exercise induced asthma and dysmenorrhea). There won't be another draft for an unjust war, because of public backlash. I think the only kind of war they will draft for is if we get attacked by a country with a large army (like China or North Korea) where they need a lot of manpower.

    If they change the medical exclusions, then sure I would serve, but I would get kicked out of boot camp.

    How come every one who says they are physically unable, get thumbs down? Do you really want me fighting for this country, when I literally can't run more than 200 yards without an inhaler, and when I am incapacitated with pain several days a month?

  10. Of course.  That's a much better system than conscription, which forces every male to serve in the military, wartime or not.  The problem is that some people think they should be given something for nothing.

    Here's a footnote in history: most Germans didn't find WW2 to be just.

    Some people are evidently confused about this.  The President does not have to power to reinstate the draft.  So, if the draft ever comes back, you have congress to thank.  If you truly believe that McCain wants to bring back the draft, that should inspire you to put him in the President's seat.

    That being said, I'm on my second enlistment, so i can't get drafted, even after I get out.  If my country needed me, I would be finding a recruiter.

  11. I would want my child to support his country for a true cause - but only if congress kids get drafted for the same true cause.  

  12. You would HAVE to serve or you could run to Canada like cowards did in the 60's.

  13. Yes I would we are a free because of  brave men who served their country any war can be unjust we did not ask for what happen 9/11 if we had attacked them  like they did us they would  most definitely retaliated without a second thought all of  the ones that would run away should not be allowed back in the U S A  send them to Muslim country and let them live under their laws remember that a lot of brave americans died for the cowards to

  14. i would't want to be drafted. but i agree with the first answer i wouldn't have a choice. that's one of the reasons i don't like mcCain. because he said he might draft again. i think it's unfair. personally i think i am destined for better and have a lot more potential than to join the army  

  15. I would join the Marines to dodge the draft.

    But if I did really get drafted, I would be very proud to serve the greatest nation ever to exist. Who cares if the war is "unjust", a soldier goes where he is told to go and fights whomever he is told to fight. When you are told to do something by your commander, your answer is "Aye Sir!!!" no matter how stupid of unjust you think it is.

  16. yes i would serve. there is no greater honor than to stand up for those that are oppressed. and if you lay down your life defending someone else well then you've given the ultimate sacrifice and you will be looked at for years a hero.  

    My brother died in Iraq. i believe for him to die serving his country is the greatest honor and distinction he could have.

  17. If you're drafted...then you have to go to war. So yeah...I wouldn't want to, but I would.

    It doesn't matter if I think it's unjust or not. If you're a citizen of the country you're not the head of the military and don't decide the military strategy. You support your country.

  18. Even if you do not think a war is just you need to serve your country. Too many people are enjoying the benefits of freedom without ever having to have fought for what they receive. I would gladly serve in any form I was asked to.

  19. If your drafted, you have no choice.  Leaving the country to avoid the draft is dishonorable and cowardly.  If you believe the war to be unjust, then protest it, and if drafted, apply for contentious objector status.

    You can avoid the draft by joining the Peace Corp.

  20. I probably would. If I tried to dodge the draft, I'd end up REALLY screwed somehow. I have no luck!

  21. Truthfully, No. I'm scared.

  22. Your question is useless and hypothetical since there is nor will be a draft for some time but what scares me after reading some of the answers is how many cowards there are in this country.  The draft would be used only, I repeat, only in case of a national emergency.  By the way, if you're drafted, you don't get to decide whether to serve or not based on if the war is a just or unjust war.

  23. Well I can't be drafted because I volunteered to serve my country already, and I'm old

    I have two sons of draft age but they also don't need to think about it because they are not going to be drafted either

    The reason is simple

    We live in America where there is no draft and will not be one unless the Democrats come to full power

    That's right all you anti war types

    It has always been the Dems that want to bring the draft back and the Reps that oppose it

    How does that fit into your ignorant rants about war mongering Republicans?

  24. Not if I didn't support the war in the first place.

  25. Yes.

    I don't care if the war is unjust.

    It's my DUTY.

    It's all about honor.

    I would be scared yet I know it was faith that probably drafted me.

    There are no accidents.

  26. if you're already in any branch of the military you cant be drafted, so as soon as i was notified, if i thought the war was unjust and i wasn't already in, i would join the coast guard.

  27. even though I am female, I personally feel like if i were drafted there would be no way in hades i could fight for our country.  I don't completely agree with what our country stands for so how could I fight for something I don't believe in.  Do not get me wrong, I am very VERY thankful for those brave and amazing people who DO fight for our country... but I could not be one of them.  That's what makes them so amazing... not everyone is willing to die for their country...


    i couldn't do it.

  28. Of course not. The war just isnt for me. For some people its a great opporutunity. You can play sports get to go to college for free. But no I would not go.

  29. I would, but I'm g*y. I will not fight for a country that will not recognize me as a human being. If its ok that I'm g*y and drafted, I would go.

    I would not abide by the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. If by being myself I can't serve, then so be it.

  30. i may be wrong. but the last war we drafted anyone was Viet Nam do you think every soldier that was drafted and fought there thought the war was Just?

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