
If you were drafted out of high school, would you go to the pros or go to college first?

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i know most people say theyd def go to college first before to make sure they got an education, but i think they might change their mind if they get offered $400,000 as an 18/19 year old.

my friend promised his family hed go to college first, but as soon as he was drafted out of high school and offered $500,000 he signed immediately and skipped college.

so what would you do?

and what things would affect your decision?




  1. Go for the pros! lol and then go to college after.........

  2. I would go pros. For all I know I could get injured in a year. You can always go back for an education!

  3. I think I'd still go to college, just to get more experience & enter the MLB draft. That way, I'll be a higher draft pick. That's what I'm doing. I'm going to be a Senior this year, playing Varsity baseball. Also, college is a great experience for everyone.

  4. If i were drafted I would go to The Pros

    FOr the $$$ and I might get injured

  5. College.

    Ball playing doesn't last forever, it would be better to have an education - on scholarship - so you can have something to fall back on.

    Also, the pros are already teh best of the best.  the time on a college team will give you time to learn more and get better.

  6. Pros

  7. it depends on what round you're drafted in, if you're drafted late (like the 60th round) you might want to continue with college. you'll more then likely to get drafted again in an earlier round then you sign, earlier draft picks are usually later on studs.

  8. Pro's if i got a Josh Hailton bonus, college for everyone else to have a fall back on plan when you get cut!

  9. I would go to college. A good education is priceless, and if I were good enough I would get drafted out of college anyways.  

  10. I might do 1 or 2 years at college first.  At 18/19 could be a bit young and could use experience at the college level, especially if I was going to play D1.

  11. this is the thing... the whole point of getting an education is so you can go out there and make money, right? ( i know someone will say, oh i wanna make a difference, but you can volunteer your services to do that, no education needed ). so aren't the guys/girls who get these kinda offers lucky? they get to skip the RETARDED WASTE OF MONEY that is college and just do what they love, while making a ridiculous amount of money. i mean, sure it's unfair to the rest of us, but... come one, you can retire at the ripe young age of.. say, 25-30, then completely pay for college without loans and do what you please after that. start a company, travel the world, so on and so forth!

    if i had the option, i would go with the draft.  

  12. I'd probably talk to my parents about and in the end decide college. I would want to give myself the best chance to succeed in the majors so an extra 4 years in college I think, would only do good. Either way you risk injury (in the minors or college), but at least I would have a college degree  

  13. I know two people that have had this choice

    my brother chose college and hoped to get drafted after his junior year (division 1 rule) going into his senior year this year we are expecting him to get drafted

    and one of my coaches actually went straight and skipped college he got to triple a and couldn't get past there after injuries and he went back to college and played basketball for college

    i think there are alot of things you have to consider when you make your choice and you have to ask for how much money you want to get so if no one wants to pay you that much then you most likely won't go out of high school. 500,000 is a pretty high cost for a decent player it depends how good you are

  14. I would skip College and go to the pro and make more money there

    500,000 a year that good. imagine him getting more than a million

    So it think going to the pro is better, but if he want go to college 1st then get drafted at age 24-25 and he be good too. but Going to pro  first is better

  15. id go to college first because youll get better and also if you get injured in the pros you still have your education so that you can get a good job

  16. I'd skip it and go to pros.  If he wants an education afterwards, he can always go back.

  17. it depends on how badly i need the money. if i really need im goin pro if i dont im goin college

  18. When you are drafted out of high school, you're not offered $400,000. That's small potatoes. If you're good enough to get drafted right out of high school, you're going to sign on the dotted line and take the big bucks and be set for life. Otherwise, you take a chance on getting hurt in college and blowing the opportunity to go pro. THAT is what most people do. Unfortunately, education is not a priority in this country, particularly among the set who has the talent to make a lot of money up front.

    If you're friend passed up college for $500,000 (I hope this wasn't for the NFL as a tackling dummy) he's not going anywhere, so he may as well have stayed in school.

  19. college cause studies show if you play college ball you have a better chance to make the majors  

  20. I would go play pro baseball. You can always go back to school, but baseball isnt always going to be there.

  21. I guess Pros, because you can always go back to school later, but the chance at the Pros might not come around twice.

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