
If you were dropped off in the woods somewhere, what would you do to survive 100 days?

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If you were dropped off in the woods somewhere, what would you do to survive 100 days?




  1. This question is so simplistic and unintelligent in the way it's asked, I'm fairly sure you'd die.

  2. try to recall every episode of man vs. wild/ the alaska experiment that i've ever seen, pray, and then turn on my gps!

  3. It depends on which woods.  If there were a source of clean water, I think I would be able to in the Colorado woods near where I live, but I'm sure I would be very malnourished.  Of course, I'll never know unless it really happened!

  4. Shelter, food and water would be high priorities.  

  5. I'd start off by scouting the land. Check for nearby rivers or lake, as they will probably determine whether or not I will survive. Or, if I can find some natural vegetation or fruits.

    Hopefully the body of water is clean enough to provide drinking water, and maybe even has fish that can provide food.

    I'd also look for any tall trees that I can climb and get a good view of the terrain.

    Depending on the climate, I would build a different type of shelter, though because I'm staying here for a while, I would make sure the shelter is strong, durable, and protective.

    Another important thing to do would be to start gathering firewood which is essential to keep warm and cook food.

    I'd probably also built a spear that could help me with some tasks and maybe even hunt.

  6. Call my mommy and tell her to come get me.  

  7. Walk to the highway and hitch hike to the nearest full service hotel.  :)

    Really - I don't know that I could survive in the woods on my own.  There are bears around here...and I"m sure I'd make a nice dinner for one of them.

  8. Walk to town or just a main road.

    But if by "the woods somewhere" you mean stuck in some forest in Siberia with the closest road being a month's walk, then I guess I'd just start heading south, eating what I can find along the way, eventually finding a road that will lead to a town.

    It would be challenging.  At some times difficult, at some times fun.

    Of course it depends on what stuff I have on me.  Do I have a compass?  Matches?  Radio?  How much clothes?  A knife?

  9. if i was completely lost and not abel to get to civilitazion, i would find some water, some shelter like a cave or something, and figure out how to make a fire and catch food. than i would get bored.

  10. I sure wouldn't do anything done on "Man vs. Wild".  Bear Grylls is a fake.  

  11. I'd walk to civilization....

  12. First I would try to find water, and something to carry it in, in case I have to veer from the source.  Then I would absolutely try to find my way back (even though people are known to walk in circles when lost) by checking the sun in the sky for direction.  For food, I would eat bugs, familiar berries, mushrooms, and attempt to eat small animals/creatures when I get to the starving point (although I'd hate doing it).  If I came across a brook or stream, I would definitely spend a good portion of the day fishing (with a makeshift rod or net and stringed bark/weed tied to a worm or dead bug for bait).  I would try to make fire with Tom Hank's method :-)  for cooking and as a search signal, and establish some sort of shelter with foliage for warmth at night.

    Very good question.  

  13. Pick up my cell phone and call for a taxi.

  14. go to the nearest phone and call for help

  15. 1) Orient yourself (mark nearby objects); check the time (use the height/angle of sun if possible), and estimate how much daylight you have to accomplish remaining tasks for the day.

    2) Find a source of potable water; leaves often gather dew at dawn, tuberous vegetation can sometimes be "milked".

    3) Find/build shelter; look to the skies periodically to guess at the coming weather.

    4) Survey the locale for food (edible vegetation, and wild game).  Build traps, fishing gear, etc.

    5) Build a large, highly visible marker for passing aircraft to see; mirrored/reflective materials are best.

    6) Might consider defense against the "wild things".

    If you can survive for 2 weeks, you're probably golden for the remainder (not that it'll be easy).

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