
If you were dying...?

by  |  earlier

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who would you want to sit right by your side...and who would u want to say you last words to?




  1. my wife

  2. My mother sitting next to me, and i would speak my last words to my father.

  3. i would want my mother sitting next to me and my little sister to hear my last words

  4. I would want my mom, dad, step dad, brother, best friend and boyfriend all there. Maybe that's too much for some people but they all mean the world to me. I would want to tell my step dad thank you for always being good to my mom and being the best step dad he could be to me, and for being respectful of my father, always. I would tell my dad that he has been single 14 years and I want him to find someone that he loves and will love him and make him happy, he deserves it. I would tell mom mom thank you for always believing in me and rising above all the odds. I would tell my brother thank you for being my friend, my brother and my play mate.. God has something special for him and always has. I would tell my boyfriend that he will always be the one for me, but I don't want to be the one for him.. in time he will move on and find someone else, and thats ok. I want him to love her like he loved me and thank him for always proving to me that love is real, true, and strong. I would tell my best friend that one day she will find a great guy and she'll know why it never worked with anyone else. I'd thank her for being my roomy and my bestie. Lastly I would thank God for giving me the best friends and family I could ask for and that I looked forward to meeting him.
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