
If you were eating sweets alone and dropped one on the floor,,,,would you pick it up and eat it???????????????

by  |  earlier

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(its a soft jelly type sweet with sugar) so would you?lol




  1. depends where i dropped at

  2. no i wouldnt!:)

  3. Gross! Of course not

  4. Depends on the location.  If it were a public toilet then no.  Most places, assuming there wasn't too much c**p on the sweet, then yes.  And I wouldn't have to be alone either.

  5. LOL... of course!!  It would be an insult to world hunger if you didn't !!!!

  6. Sure its the five second rule.

  7. depending where I was...If i was at home in the lounge, without a doubt I'd eat it...If i was walking along the street...No!!

  8. as longs as its within the 2 second rule!! if its on the floor longer than that no!!! good question made me laugh!!!

  9. you did it right? well that's alright, but dont do it next time around for self discipline. it might become your habit, then without knowing your in a restaurant and you drop your food on a floor, instinctively you'll going to pick it up and put it to your mouth, that's ashame. i will not ever do it, (except for survival) oopps you drop something? is that food?

  10. Depends on where I was.

  11. depends on where you dropped it?! If it was on my floor, then I would.

  12. Surely it depends on the floor.

  13. well if it looked hair and dirt free yes i probably would!!!

  14. Depends where I was...I mean if I was in a toilet or somewhere like that, I wouldnt.  But normally the 5 second rule applies.....

  15. Yes!

    Or it depends were you are!

    Three second rule!

  16. depends what the floor is like, but if its not that bad then yeah, sure, why not?

    why would i have to be on my own to do that?

  17. if its my own room then i would, but no where else, but some food dont pick up dirt like jelly babies

  18. yep sure would! gota say though, my youngest is 8, he didnt know i could see him the other day, and i watched him drop a sweet, pick it up.......and put it in the bin! i was like, f*ck, im a proper s***k, i'd have eaten that....!

  19. Definitely not if I was in a public toilet.

  20. if ur at home and the floor is clean, id say sure

  21. No the dog would grab it before me!!!!

  22. If it was my own floor you d**n right I would cause I am a candy fiend.But If I was out then probably not.Maybe if I was in a place where I'm familiar with and am sure the floor is clean

  23. Yes I sure would Three second rule applies.  My grandmother told us that we would eat a pound of dirt in our lietime and I am not even close.

  24. depending on the landing spot. I mean like if it fell in my cat's urine. But, if it were a nice spot for such a "sweet" to land, my mouth would opress that "sweet".

    I'd probably eat such a "sweet" even in public, to be completely honest.

  25. What does  being alone have anything to do with it?  Its whether or not you want to eat after that sweet has been on someones feet, bugs, dust mites, germs etc.  It doesn't matter how clean your floor is you should never eat off from the floor.  That is just plain nasty.  What about the chemicals that you use to clean your floor if nothing else - there is a trace of it now on that candy.  I have a solution eat while sitting down or with a napkin cradled underneath your food and your food will fall on the table or napkin verses the floor and then you can still eat it.

  26. Beat the dog to it.

    Pick the fluff of it.

  27. Depends upon the floor... If it is in your house then you can decide based upon the factors e.g. how much clean it is, how and in what frequency it is cleaned etc etc.

    If it is not your house floor, you should not pick it up and eat it again!

  28. hi blue, i would not get the chance to, my dog would already have eaten it,

  29. 5 second rule in effect!

  30. I'd pick the fluff off first!!!

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