
If you were elected Miss USA..which state would you represent?

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Miss Arizona




  1. is my state sadly

  2. The Commonwealth of Kentucky, with our motto of

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall...

    and a state song, sung at every Kentucky Derby, with the lyrics of

    'Tis summer, the people are g*y.

  3. your looking at the next miss texas haha

  4. I'd be in the state of confusion as I would have to choose between New York and New Jersey.

    Well, I'll just have to accept that my beauty and poise transcend boundaries and be the first contestant to represent two states.

  5. My home state of New Mexico, hello Gallup!  

  6. Miss Puerto Rico!!!

    Soy boricua!!! LOL

    LMAO *does the cupped hand wave*

  7. hmmm,Mis Underworld? there any country that only has graveyards???'....or Miss Vampyria...

  8. Massachusetts !

  9. Arkansas...hahaha.

    I hate this state. We have a lot of trees and cows... and my southern accent annoys me, i swear I'm moving to Britain or somewhere just to get rid of this d**n thing. =/


    *gasps* I got a tiara! YaY I'm so happy *sniffles and fans self*  

    I think the real winner here is Miss Arizona though  ^_^ *glomps*

  10. Miss California thats right I'm super fierce with my neon orange glow tan :)

  11. Miss Delaware...h***s yea!

    If it were Miss Universe though, Trinidad and Tobago! Cuz I'm Trini 2 de Bone!

  12. Unfortunately it would be the "State of Misery"...yep, you heard it right...the spelling isn't off's truly a miserable place to be...

  13. If I were elected "MISS" USA I would cry! and scream it must be a nightmare!!

    Nooooo foo foo dresses for THIS transman!! >:(

    *edit* but if you must know, I'm from Texas..between Austin and San Antonio.  Texas State University to be exact.

  14. Ms. New York...and maybe the finger? lol jk

  15. I'd be surprised (being British)  However I would like to  Miss New York - The Empire State - from Manhatten and New York City environs to the shores of Lake Ontario and the Adrondacks - Love em

  16. California, The Golden State :)

  17. ohiooooooo

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