
If you were elected PRESIDENT of the united states, what would some of your first changes be? ?

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If you were elected PRESIDENT of the united states, what would some of your first changes be? ?




  1. I would make lobbying illegal, and make all campaigns federally funded.

  2. Appointing the right kind of Supreme Court Justices -- highly objective ones. If they won't retire quickly enough, I'll propose to "pack the Court" like Roosevelt.


  4. I'd push The Button.

  5. Outlaw the Republican and Democrat parties.

    Print the "Bill of Rights" on our currency (which would be backed by gold).  

    Defend our borders and tell the rest of the world to go to h**l.

  6. Fire Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

  7. the president of the US

  8. Get rid of both of the political parties, fire everyone in Congress, and relentlessly bomb the c**p out of the entire Middle East until there is no life form whatsoever.

  9. Get rid of everyone in congress, close the borders and throw every illegal back where they came from. O and i would also cut off all welfare to people who are able to work.

  10. I would make it easy to sue the Media for slander and character assignation.

    Even if the complainant were to loose, the Media would still pay all atty., and court costs.  

  11. I'd close Gitmo by putting all the prisoners on a ship due to be sunk as a new fish habitat.

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