
If you were forced to move to another country, where would you go?

by Guest58013  |  earlier

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  1. I've already lived in Holland, Denmark, Cameroon, Angola, England and Scotland. Spent some time in Spain, Italy, Germany.

    If I was thrown out of Scotland I would move to Holland, very easygoing, likeable, happy, family oriented, love to party and can also party at home.


  2. England. Good theatre.

  3. VENEZUELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEAAH! or Argentina...Spain...beautiful countries! I should check out Buenos Aires, huh? yeeahh....go there!

  4. Canada to be near my sister. Maybe the US.

  5. Bermuda or some other island in the carribean, it's a very beautiful place where I feel at home.

  6. I'm happy right here in the U.S.A.

  7. I can move to Ireland or Taiwan. If I had to move I would probably want to go to Ireland. My wife on the other hand....

  8. Spain!

  9. Being also a citizen of a E.U. country there are several among them I'd consider if not then Argentina, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Mexico, New Zealand are possibilities

  10. Australia

  11. Australia or Canada I moved to Spain from England a few years ago but the yob culture is slowly moving over here as well. The crime rate has doubled in the past 3 years and now that the Suing culture is spreading like a rash all over the world I guess its time to consider another move.......maybe the Moon?

  12. well ive been living in eastern europe for the past year due to work and its alot better than home (ireland) things are so cheap here tis great:)

  13. I would go where there are not millions of other english and not go somewhere to simply make more money, id feel like a total parasite doing that (polish please take note). I have already lived in many countries around the world. Some places making a fraction of what i make in the uk, but life isnt about just making money (polish take not again).  

  14. Bermuda or the Cayman Islands.

  15. Taiwan

    my favourite country

  16. I would move to Spain darling.

  17. Canada

  18. Most likely Canada.  Similar constitution, shared monarchy, beautiful, and good quality of life.

  19. Ireland because its nice and near (I'm in Wales, UK)

  20. Little Swizerland, Everyone has a gun, yet the crime rate is way down, it has never been invaded for at least 300years, it has all the banks and world money, and it's a lovely country.

  21. Holland if they will have me.

  22. malta. lovely place, lovely people.

  23. Ireland, im in UK, 4 now

  24. Mars...

  25. Italy i have always wanted to go there

  26. Definitely Austrailia.  I love their "no worries" attitude.

  27. The U.S cause of New York and San Fransisco

  28. Japan!!!

    get me a PS10 or a Nintendo "Tii" lol

  29. I would not mind living in Canada. I'm in the U.S. and I don't like being too far from my family. Besides, I've heard Canada is a pretty good place to live and better than the U.S.

  30. Canada, France, Netherlands, Slovenia or Sweden.

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