
If you were g*y would you stay in the closet?

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What would you do

be yourself and be brave


hide it and be a coward but avoid the stigma?




  1. eeeh sadly if i was g*y i would hide it due to the fact that you get discriminated against even in jobs etc so it still hurts you its like having a ged and not a diploma all though accepted not every one looks at it the same but give it a few more years  

  2. I disagree with Patrick. It is a brave thing to do. Coming out of the closet is very hard, especially when you're surrounded by people who don't understand homosexuality. That being said, bravery is obviously required.

    As hard as it is to come out, it's also hard to stay in the closet. It's hard to live a lie, so can we really say which option is easier? They both have their pros and cons.

    I'm out of the closet, and I think it was a good decision to come out. :)

  3. You never have to come out.

    There's no rule book saying you have to tell everyone.

    People don't tell their parents if they're straight...

  4. If I were g*y I would be celibate.

  5. i tried to stay in the closet, and it was just too much work...and drama.

    my family was pretty prejudiced as well, but some of them accepted me for who i am, some didn't.  the ones that didn't, were the ones i didn't have too much time for anyway...we just don't have that much in common.

    only you can decide whether it is in your best interest to stay in the closet.  it works for some people, i guess.  too me, its more important to just be who i am, and live my life the way i want to.

  6. Well I already came out of the closet.

    I wouldn't call it brave. It's just being comfortable with yourself and not letting other ignorant people get to you.

    Living a lie becomes pretty miserable after a while.

  7. yes i would because i would be so ashamed

  8. well im g*y and semi in the closet iv told my friends that i am but not my family and if ur not g*y which i dont think you are, you dont really have the right to call people in the closet a coward you have no idea how hard it is to tell people

  9. I"m g*y and in the closet.

    I'm waiting til I get a law degree and can live somewhere with my boyfriend.

    Cowardice is a term invented by those with no cunning.

    As for all the people who seek to make my life miserable, wait til you have no one to represent you but me..... :)

  10. I am a L*****n and I have been out for many years now.  I could not stand the thought of living a lie any being honest with myself and every one around me was the only choice that made any sense to me : )

  11. I am..

    And I'm not. [Living a lie]

    Anymore. =p

  12. I am g*y & I didn't stay in the closet.

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