
If you were given $1,000,000 to do the most good, what would you do?

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If you were given $1,000,000 to do the most good, what would you do?




  1. To sent my friend and his family back to Portugal so he can take care of his mom an dad. Who live by themselves and can't take care of themselves at this time in their lives. He is flying later this month by himself to understand the situation better That,s what I'll do. Or and have a coffee at the airport with him as he waited for the plane.

  2. Donate it to the Republican Party.  

  3. I would donate to the Red Cross. There are alot of disasters right now that people could be helped in. Wildfires, Flooding, and Severe Weather.

  4. Help out with abused animals/children.  Homeless women...the world is very sad .

  5. Too sick american people, who need surgery's and can't afford.

    Hand carry my money or write checks directly.

  6. invisible children. So sad...  

  7. id buy a puppy. : D

  8. I would give it in scholarships to those who are financially strained, yet make too much money to receive grants from the government. From someone who has had several problems getting through school because of financial problems, I know that it would boost alot of people's self esteem who have to work, but whose incomes might be right at the threshold of being misqualified, and it would help the upper lower class people and the economy as well since they would contribute more to the economy. Also, it would definately give them a higher quality of living.

  9. =] i would help all the abused animals

  10. Invest it in some high grossing CD's at the bank, then use the annual interest every year for various charities. That way the money keeps growing and is always there.

  11. Well first i'd put it in a high interest account so i would have more money to work with. Because really 1 million dollars isn't a significant amount to do good. its a shame. I would build a children's hospital that would concentrate on the quality of life for terminally ill kids. There would be delicious food, great counselors, fun things to do, and plenty of educational activities.  

  12. DONATE to Darfur

  13. find a cure for cancer and aids  

  14. i would illegalize abortions and start a clinic for expecting mothers in doubt about motherhood  

  15. i would start a company that deals with going to third world countries a small villages and promoting their goods and services, educate the public about the processes involved in making such goods and how it effects the world and it's natural resources. How this would help benefit society. i would also help with such communities and villages to have clean water and good food to eat. Scholarships would be given for education, especially women and children. i would also give money for individuals to start their own businesses with the understanding being that they would have to give back by volunteering to help others with my organizations assistance to start more businesses in their communities. In America, this would extend to educating the public about the world around them. i would also have programs for here in America for the homeless and needy families and start free programs for financial literacy, ways to execute this knowledge in low income areas to help narrow the gap between poor, middle class and rich.

  16. I would open a safety home for kids and then I would also want to open one for abused women.

    I would also try to help some homeless people.

  17. i would probaly donate it evenly through the children hospitals in california!

  18. orphans .......and pooor


    help rawanda children

  20. $100,000 in investments - they can be re-invested in perpetuity to create jobs in the third world.

    $250,000 in setting up temporary apartments for street people to give them an address so they could find jobs or get welfare.

    $500,000 in setting up a super-greenhouse idea of mine that would allow the working poor to earn some money and get a pile of vegetables for 4 hours work a week - the business would be a cash cow, generating it's own finances for expansion.  We HAVE to find a better alternative to Food banks.

  21. Put it in the bank, or Municipal Bonds and use the interest to donate to Habit for Humanity, St. Jude, Local Children's Hospital, Autism, (and on and on)

  22. 1)Give a portion to Saint Judes Hospital.

    2)Use some of it to fix up our house that we are moving into.

    (It's destroyed by the last owners.)

    3)Put it in for my college education when I graduate.

    4)Buy a car for myself, I need one badly.

    5) Join the ASPCA (rescuing animals.)

    And whatever else I can think of that really needs the money for.

    I'm not selfish.  

  23. charity, orphanage

  24. i would buy gamestop

  25. Donate it to American Atheists.  

  26. i would travel to Africa (specifically Kenya) and build up the society over there.

    too many children are suffering and there is no immediate way to break the cycle of poverty.

    they dont need money...they need something done with it!


  27. Pay off my debts, make sure my family members were debt free.  Buy a certain church I know of a new piano. Stand in a grocery store and pass out money to needy families and elderly people going in and out. Give to the Union Mission, City Food banks, bank the rest to gain interest.

  28. take care of my family first,everything else is second.

  29. Start a news source free of systemic biases.  The "news" we get now is filtered through all sorts of different special interests.  The information we receive shapes our philosophies, our philosophies shape our actions.

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