
If you were given 10 min to shout, bad mouth, (maybe a few slaps, kicks & boxes) on someone..who would it be?

by  |  earlier

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Could be your boss, relative, friend, girl friend, boy friend, some politician or a hollywood star....?!? the choice is yours....but do provide the reason...and describe what did you do to him/her




  1. MIL

  2. My Ex-Girl friend.

    Every boy should know Why right. lol

  3. I only get 10 minutes? Gee, that's really not long enough, but here goes..

    I would choose my ex husband. He was an abuser, and his behavior escalated after the birth of our son. He tried once to physically abuse my son, but a lamp upside his head cured him of any impulses to touch him again. I think I would tie him to a chair and apply copious amounts of duct tape to his body. He's quite hairy, hehe. I would then introduce him to his new best friend, a big fat tarantula! I think 7 or so minutes of allowing a monster spider to crawl over his body would say it all. Did I mention he's terrified of spiders?  

  4. When I was younger I could have given you a long list. However now I can honestly say that I give no-one the power to make me feel like that.  I don´t let people bug me, it just goes over the top of my head.

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