
If you were given $90 000 000 on the condition that you must spend it to your own benefit only, how would you?

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..spend it?




  1. My own benefit would be the since of joy I would get from sharing the money with family and friends.

    I see no dilemma here.

  2. Strictly speaking I don't think it's possible.  Payment, for anything, is a mutually advantageous contract where I exchange something of value (money) for a good or service you provide me.  It's a mutually beneficial transaction.  Anything material I buy will benefit somebody else, whether it's the manufacturer or the salesman.  Any service I purchase will benefit the person performing the service.  

    Having said that I would buy one of those monster yachts and simply sail around the world for the rest of my days, hosting high stakes poker games once a week.  Is 90 million enough?  In the purely hypothetical world we're living in, why not?

  3. Its impossible to spend any amount of money let alone 90,000,000 without benefiting anyone but yourself. Think about it whatever you decide to purchase is going to benefit the person you are purchasing it from in the form of profit.

  4. College first, then a new car, and then a shopping spree.

  5. haha

    Buy a huge yacht.

    Great University..

    Shopping Spree.

    Bigger mansion than Tiger Wood's.

    Huge Luxury Car..

    I think I need more money..:P

  6. wow ammezing offer i can spen it on my own like i can go to world tour,shopping,new house car and etc...but i i can spend it..

  7. i would use it to pay for my tuition, take a vacation throughout europe, buy a nice flat in nyc, and travel throughout the usa!

  8. But what is just your own benefit?  If I have a family, and I buy a house or a car, it's going to benefit them too.  If I buy a gift for a loved one, it benefits me because I want to express my love for them and see their happiness.  If I donate money to the local public radio station I listen to, it benefits me because it helps the station stay running.  If I give money to a homeless person because I want to help him, that benefits me as much as him.

    On the other hand, if I live only for myself, what pleasure or benefit can I get from things?  Pretty much only increase of physical comfort (and even that is pretty limited because I will inevitably suffer poor health), diverting myself in small ways, and the feeding of addictive pleasures.  That's not much benefit.

    So I wonder how meaningful that condition is.

  9. Easy:  House, car and medical bills and other medical things that I would like to  have or need--such as spa treatments for my arthritis.  $90,000,000. wouldn't last long at the price of those things and gas in today's market!!!

  10. to be able to afford the surgery i need.

  11. I would spend it all on charities and scholarships because to give is to recieve and I would benefit greatly from helping others.  

  12. a huge house, a gibson guitar and a personal insructor, amazing computer, a running track in my back yard, every song in the whole world that isnt rap r and b or country, trips to Europe, concert tickets to every single band i have heard of.  a car that runs off of hydrogen.  college at SCAD, my personal studio to work with all the works, a kiln to make my pottery.  

  13. If you spent it, it would benefit the economy. If you gave it away, it would benefit those to whom you gave it.

    Besides, $90 million isn't much. How about $90 septillion $90,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That's probably more than all the money in the world. The only way to use it in such a way as to be no benefit to anybody but you would to burn it for fuel.

  14. that wouldn't be very hard!!! i would buy a house, car, clothes, shoes, and anything else i wanted but could never afford before!

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