
If you were given a 60-second commercial spot on television , what message would you shout out to America? ?

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would air repeatedly during the presidential debates




  1. Let us strive for world peace, not world domination. Elect Obama 08 not McCain.

  2. I would just scream incoherently, flailing my arms- like Animal from the Muppet Show.

  3. About animal abuse and Puppy Mills. What you can do to stop them.

  4. Probably to tell people about bad things going on around the world and to donate to charity, or to protest something... etc.

  5. That Interracial relationships are just like any other relationships! and that people need to stop making racial comments and staring at interracial couples!

    Also I would talk about animal abuse that really NEEDS TO STOP!!!!!

    treat animals with respect and stop hurting them!!!!!!!

  6. Neither Obahma or McCaine are the best answer! Since we only have two primary choices, take a look at their resumes!!! Dont just listen to how "Change" is going solve our problems. We need 3 parts, a strong and well experienced president, and a congress that will work together on tough issues without all the division. The President Cannot Do it Alone!!  

  7. Obama 08. Not McCain. Not another 4 year extension of the Bush administration. That is what I would shout!

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